16 Tests By Andrey Andreev

  Head of Internet Merchandising     Website


Test #541 on Online.metro-cc.ru by Andrey Andreev   Jul 10, 2024 Desktop

Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #137: Visible Filters In Test #541 On Online.metro-cc.ru

In this experiment, some side column filters were made more visible by being automatically expanded. These included: brand, price and country of manufacturing.

Test #537 on Online.metro-cc.ru by Andrey Andreev   Jun 19, 2024 Desktop Mobile

Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #135: Product Categories In Test #537 On Online.metro-cc.ru

In this experiment, a simple product category link was added on product detail pages. These links linked to listing pages with more of a similar product type. Impact on sales was measured.

Test #534 on Online.metro-cc.ru by Andrey Andreev   May 28, 2024 Desktop

Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #82: Onboarding Callouts In Test #534 On Online.metro-cc.ru

In this site wide experiment, logged out customers were directed to sign in with the help of a top navigation callout. The experiment was triggered for anyone who saw the callout message. After signing in, the user would 1) remain on the same screen they were on and 2) the top header slightly changed to show a logged in state (with their orders, favorites and active username). Impact on successful logins and overall purchases was measured.

Test #526 on Online.metro-cc.ru by Andrey Andreev   Apr 17, 2024 Desktop Mobile

Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #77: Filled Or Ghost Buttons In Test #526 On Online.metro-cc.ru

In this experiment, a feint gray background search bar was replaced with a higher contrast one containing a blue border and a filled blue color button style.  Impact on searches and purchases was measured. (Inverted to fit the Filled-vs-ghost button pattern).

Test #511 on Online.metro-cc.ru by Andrey Andreev   Jan 09, 2024 Desktop

Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #79: Single Or Multiple Triggers In Test #511 On Online.metro-cc.ru

In this experiment, popular products were shown at the top of the homepage. Impact to sale was measured.

Test #508 on Online.metro-cc.ru by Andrey Andreev   Dec 15, 2023 Mobile

Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #93: Auto Next In Test #508 On Online.metro-cc.ru

In this experiment, the variation transformed an add-to-cart button into a shopping cart one (making it a two step process). The control had an interaction where an add-to-cart button would become a quantity selection and then a shopping cart action (a three step process). In a way, the control kept users in a "dead-end" quantity selection middle state that required clicking the back button to continue the sale. Whereas the variation automatically moved users into the next step (closer towards being able to make a purchase). Impact on sales was measured. 

Test #494 on Online.Metro-cc.ru by Andrey Andreev   Sep 20, 2023 Desktop Mobile

Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #26: Cart Reminder And Recently Viewed In Test #494 On Online.Metro-cc.ru

In this experiment, recently purchased products were appended at the top of the homepage. The test ran for loggedin users only. Impact on add-to-cart, sales and revenue was measured.

Test #488 on Metro-cc.ru by Andrey Andreev   Aug 11, 2023 Mobile

Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #4: Testimonials In Test #488 On Metro-cc.ru

In this experiment, customer reviews were shown on product detail pages. Impact on adds to cart and sales was measured.

Test #475 on Online.metro-cc.ru by Andrey Andreev   Jun 07, 2023 Desktop Mobile

Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #36: Fewer Or More Results In Test #475 On Online.metro-cc.ru

Are more (popular) product results better than none at all? In this experiment, popular products were shown during an empty search result. Impact on sales was measured.

Test #418 on Online.metro-cc.ru by Andrey Andreev   Jun 28, 2022 Desktop Mobile

Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #79: Single Or Multiple Triggers In Test #418 On Online.metro-cc.ru

In this experiment, popular product category links were added near the bottom of the homepage of an online grocery store - Metro. Impact on completed sales was measured.

Test #368 on Mvideo.ru by Andrey Andreev   Aug 02, 2021 Desktop

Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #79: Single Or Multiple Triggers In Test #368 On Mvideo.ru

In this experiment, popular categories were added at the bottom of a long ecommerce homepage. Impact on total sales was measured.

Test #366 on Mvideo.ru by Andrey Andreev   Jul 14, 2021 Desktop Mobile

Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #93: Auto Next In Test #366 On Mvideo.ru

In this experiment, the interaction on a product page was changed. In the control (A), after clicking "add to cart", the customer would remain on the product page with an updated basket and the button changing to "Go To Cart". The variation (B) however took customers forward automatically to the cart.

Test #365 on Mvideo.ru by Andrey Andreev   Jul 13, 2021 Mobile

Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #4: Testimonials In Test #365 On Mvideo.ru

In this experiment, reviews on product pages were exposed completely. Instead of hiding them under a clickable tab, they were shown by default in the variation. Impact on sales was measured.

Test #356 on Mvideo.ru by Andrey Andreev   May 29, 2021 Desktop Mobile

Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #79: Single Or Multiple Triggers In Test #356 On Mvideo.ru

In this experiment, popular search terms were added at the bottom of a long e-commerce homepage. Hence, the variation showed additional search triggers that lead to results pages. (Translated from Russian using Google Translate)

Test #354 on Mvideo.ru by Andrey Andreev   May 25, 2021 Desktop Mobile

Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #69: Autodiscounting In Test #354 On Mvideo.ru

In this experiment, the discounted price was shown along with an active promotion. The control only showed that the relative -8% discount was present with the pre-discounted price.

Test #78 on Mvideo.ru by Andrey Andreev   May 06, 2021 Desktop Mobile

Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #90: Out Of Stock Or In Stock Products In Test #78 On Mvideo.ru

In this experiment, products which were out of stock were removed from listing pages and replaced with in stock ones (not visible in the screenshot).