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Test #544 on by Adan Archila   Jul 25, 2024 Desktop Product

Adan Archila Tested Pattern #104: Carousel Vs Static Grid Images In Test #544 On

In this experiment, a single image carousel gallery was replaced with a grid gallery. In addition the variation also used: taller swatches; a wider size box, added fit (slim, relaxed, straight, wide) options; and used a wider Add to Cart CTA (full width of the column). Impact on sales was measured.

Test #543 on by Jakub Linowski   Jul 22, 2024 Desktop Mobile Product

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #7: Social Counts In Test #543

In this experiment, social proof copy was added just below product photos. The copy emphasied that "3 million satisfied customers" and "10 million deliveries since 2003". Impact on sales was measured.

Test #542 on by Ardit Veliu   Jul 17, 2024 Desktop Home & Landing

Ardit Veliu Tested Pattern #108: Frequently Asked Questions In Test #542 On

In this experiment, a Frequently Asked Questions section was added near the bottom of a short lead gen form. This test ran on one of Expert Institute's landing pages for their expert witness seeking services. Impact on leads was measured.

Test #541 on by Andrey Andreev   Jul 10, 2024 Desktop Listing

Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #137: Visible Filters In Test #541 On

In this experiment, some side column filters were made more visible by being automatically expanded. These included: brand, price and country of manufacturing.

Test #540 on by Maksim Meged   Jun 28, 2024 Mobile Listing

Maksim Meged Tested Pattern #136: Earliest Availability In Test #540

In this experiment, the earliest availability dates were displayed underneath product tiles on listing pages. This was a/b tested on a car rental service website. Impact on product adds-to-cart as well as transactions was measured.

Test #539 on by Melina Hess   Jun 24, 2024 Desktop Global

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #79: Single Or Multiple Triggers In Test #539 On

In this experiment, two different navigation defaults were tested against each other. In one version we can see 1) more popular products with 2) more categorical granularity being shown in the expanded state. In the other version we see "new products" being shown as the default (with a lot fewer product subcategories) to choose from.

Test #538 on by Daria Kurchinskaia   Jun 20, 2024 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Daria Kurchinskaia Tested Pattern #77: Filled Or Ghost Buttons In Test #538 On

In this experiment, a less visible (ghost button style) legal confirmation box, was tested against a more visible one (filled state with higher contrast). Impact on error rates (from submitting an incomplete form) and sales was measured.

Test #537 on by Andrey Andreev   Jun 19, 2024 Desktop Mobile Product

Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #135: Product Categories In Test #537 On

In this experiment, a simple product category link was added on product detail pages. These links linked to listing pages with more of a similar product type. Impact on sales was measured.

Test #536 on by Jakub Linowski   Jun 14, 2024 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #28: Easiest Fields First In Test #536

In this experiment, the order of the checkout flow was rearranged. In the control the first step of the checkout flow started with the shipping information step, followed by greeting card selection. In the variation this was rearranged (hypothesis was that the greeting card step was easier). Impact on sales was measured.

Test #535 on by Adan Archila   May 31, 2024 Desktop Listing

Adan Archila Tested Pattern #120: Supporting Theme Images In Test #535 On

In this experiment, a static category theme image at the top of a listing page was tested against the same page but without the extra image. Impact on sales was measured.

Test #534 on by Andrey Andreev   May 28, 2024 Desktop Global

Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #82: Onboarding Callouts In Test #534 On

In this site wide experiment, logged out customers were directed to sign in with the help of a top navigation callout. The experiment was triggered for anyone who saw the callout message. After signing in, the user would 1) remain on the same screen they were on and 2) the top header slightly changed to show a logged in state (with their orders, favorites and active username). Impact on successful logins and overall purchases was measured.

Test #533 on by Jakub Linowski   May 23, 2024 Desktop Global

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #94: Visible Search In Test #533

In this experiment, the presence of a search bar was tested against no search bar altogether. The control had search, and in the variation it was removed. The variation also exposed items from within the "Need Help?" menu, making "My account", "Contact Us" and "FAQ" more prominent.

(Here the AB test is inverted / flipped to match the pattern). 

Test #532 on by Maksim Meged   May 10, 2024 Mobile Listing

Maksim Meged Tested Pattern #76: Infinite Scrolling Or Pagination In Test #532 On

In this experiment, infinite scrolling was a/b tested against a paginated one.

Test #531 on by Katharina Lay   May 03, 2024 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Katharina Lay Tested Pattern #128: Standard Or Superscript Price Format In Test #531 On

In this experiment, the font of the euro cents amount was made smaller. Additional copy was also added underneath the price reinforcing that tax was already included in the price. Impact on transactions was measured.

Test #530 on by Stanley Zuo   Apr 30, 2024 Desktop Mobile

Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #28: Easiest Fields First In Test #530 On

In this experiment, the order of two signup pages was tested: plan selection vs account creation. Here we have the account creation step first in the control and the the plan selection step first in the variation. (I flipped these around to match the pattern). Impact on signups was measured.

Test #529 on by Craig Kistler   Apr 29, 2024 Mobile Desktop Listing

Craig Kistler Tested Pattern #55: Conversational Filters In Test #529 On

In this experiment, conversational filters were tested at the top of some listing pages. Instead of showing one set of product filters, customers were shown three sets of product questions. After selecting each answer, product results would narrow and update further down on the page. Impact on adds to cart and sales were measured.

Test #528 on by Adan Archila   Apr 26, 2024 Mobile Listing

Adan Archila Tested Pattern #120: Supporting Theme Images In Test #528 On

In this experiment, the effect of having additional static category themed images was tested on category listing pages. Impact on sales was measured.

Test #527 on by Jakub Linowski   Apr 23, 2024 Desktop Mobile Product

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #132: One Time Payment Copy In Test #527

In this experiment, copy related to payment duration types (paid in full or ongoing) was changed. In the the control, one of the option used the "Pay in Full" copy, whereas the variation changed this to "One-time payment". Impact on sales was measured.

Test #526 on by Andrey Andreev   Apr 17, 2024 Desktop Mobile Global

Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #77: Filled Or Ghost Buttons In Test #526 On

In this experiment, a feint gray background search bar was replaced with a higher contrast one containing a blue border and a filled blue color button style.  Impact on searches and purchases was measured. (Inverted to fit the Filled-vs-ghost button pattern).

Test #525 on by Jakub Linowski   Mar 27, 2024 Desktop Mobile Product

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #119: Unselected Or Selected Defaults In Test #525

In this experiment, a club subscription duration was preselected to 6 in the variation. The control had no club durations preselected. As a result of preselecting a club duration, a more visible price also appeared at the top (sooner in the variation). Impact on sales was measured.