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Test #402 on by Melina Hess   Mar 25, 2022 Mobile Product

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #103: Money Back Guarantee In Test #402 On

In this experiment on a product screen, a message about quality (from the founders) was reformatted to reinforce the "Anti Hole Guarantee" (in the context of socks). The founders were also made more prominent and their signature added as well. Interestingly, the actual guarantee copy (and its important detail about a 6 month product replacement) was present further down on both the control and variation.

The translation of the new copy (Google Translate) reads:

Since we founded SNOCKS, the quality and comfort of our products have always been our top priority. Why? When we both were still studying, we didn't have the money to buy new socks & underpants every 1-2 months. That's why it was clear to us from the start that we wanted to sell quality products that are also extremely comfortable. And just in case something goes wrong, we have decided to introduce an anti-hole guarantee.

Test #401 on by Stanley Zuo   Mar 11, 2022 Desktop Home & Landing

Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #58: Full Height False Bottom In Test #401 On

Here the experiment contained a layout change. Standard content components with varied heights were tested against sections with false bottoms. That is the conntent blocks in the variation took up 100% height of the viewport. This change was also applied throughout the rest of the content blocks. Impact on overall signup rates was measured.

Test #400 on by Herman Klein   Mar 06, 2022 Desktop Shopping Cart

Herman Klein Tested Pattern #65: Add More For Free Shipping In Test #400

In this experiment, customers who were not yet eligible for free shipping (with cart amounts under $39) were presented with an encouraging message to add more and earn free shipping. Impact on progression to checkout and sales was measured.

Test #399 on by Jakub Linowski   Feb 27, 2022 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #35: Floating Labels In Test #399

In this experiment, top-aligned field labels were tested against floating labels (with labels floating inside the form field itself).

Test #398 on by Herman Klein   Feb 25, 2022 Desktop Shopping Cart

Herman Klein Tested Pattern #121: Free Shipping In Test #398 On

In this experiment, customers were eligible for free shipping (with cart amounts of $39 or more) were presented with an earned free shipping message. The variation also showed the value of the earned free shipping - (for example $10). Impact on progression to checkout and sales was measured.

Test #397 on by Melina Hess   Feb 24, 2022 Mobile Product

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #121: Free Shipping In Test #397 On

In this experiment a "Free Shipping & Returns" message was added just below the price information. 

Test #396 on by Gleb Hodorovskiy   Feb 13, 2022 Desktop Listing

Gleb Hodorovskiy Tested Pattern #124: Confirmed Selection In Test #396 On

In this experiment from, the framing of the registration message was changed from a generic account creation one to a specific image selected by the user. The experiment started on a listing page of a stock photography / illustration site. The control showed a more generic message with benefits for signing up and making the purchase. Whereas the variation repeated the actual image that customers clicked on from listing pages - establishing continuity as well as providing a reason for signing up. Impact on sales was measured.

Test #123 on by Rodolfo Lugli   Feb 11, 2022 Mobile Thank You

Rodolfo Lugli Tested Pattern #71: Personalized Next Step In Test #123 On

In this experiment, two app download buttons were tested against a single OS personalized one. In the control, both branded App Store and Google Play buttons were shown statically. Whereas in the variation a single download (stylized consistently with site wide button styles) button was shown depending on the user's operating system. Impact on application download was measured.

Test #395 on by Jakub Linowski   Jan 31, 2022 Desktop Mobile Product

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #52: How It Works In Test #395

In this experiment, a How It Works section was appended on a product detail page just above product reviews.

Test #394 on by Velin Penev   Jan 29, 2022 Desktop Product

Velin Penev Tested Pattern #113: More Or Fewer Plans In Test #394 On

In this experiment, a two plan pricing plan (standalone product with a higher collection set) was tested against a single plan one (only a collection set). Impact on clicks and total sales was measured.

Test #5 on by Andrei Zakhareuski   Jan 23, 2022 Desktop Mobile Product

Andrei Zakhareuski Tested Pattern #21: What It's Worth In Test #5 On

The variation included a simple extention of the headline to include the full dollar worth of a discounted bundle deal. 

Test #122 on by Daniel Shapiro   Jan 22, 2022 Desktop Mobile Product

Daniel Shapiro Tested Pattern #30: Authentic Photos In Test #122 On

In this experiment for an online design course, the variation had an extra section with student work previews. The previews were not clickable but were added just below the fold. Impact on leads was measured by potential students requesting a syllabus through an online form throughout the long landing page.

Test #393 on by Melina Hess   Jan 19, 2022 Mobile Shopping Cart

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #1: Remove Coupon Fields In Test #393 On

This experiment replaced a visible coupon field with a dynamic text link that would initially hide the form field. Only after clicking the text link would the coupon form field appear. The translation from German is "Do you have a coupon code? Click here to apply". Impact on completed transactions was measured.

Test #392 on by Jakub Linowski   Dec 31, 2021 Desktop Mobile Product

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #122: Zigzag Layout In Test #392

In this experiment, paragraph style copy was reorganized into a zig zag layout with key sections being reinforiced with copy-as-image statements. Impact on adds-to-cart and sales was measured.

Test #391 on by Stanley Zuo   Dec 30, 2021 Desktop Mobile Listing

Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #82: Onboarding Callouts In Test #391 On

This experiment added a small nudge or callout to encourage more signups. Attention was directed towards the save function, which lead to the signup flow for anyone not signed it. Impact on signups was measured.

Test #390 on by Melina Hess   Dec 21, 2021 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #106: Back Buttons In Test #390 On

In this experiment, the variation has a "Back To Shopping Cart" link right underneath the checkout button. Impact on sales was measured.

Test #389 on by Keenan Davis   Dec 16, 2021 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Keenan Davis Tested Pattern #1: Remove Coupon Fields In Test #389 On

In this simple experiment, a highly visible coupon field was replaced with a less visible (but clickable) link in the variation. Clicking on the link would show the coupon field. Impact on sales and revenue was measured.

Test #388 on by Jakub Linowski   Dec 09, 2021 Mobile Listing

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #51: Shortcut Buttons In Test #388

In this experiment, extra "buy now" buttons were added on a listing page. These buttons were shortcuts to an add to cart flow, whereas the "learn more" buttons lead customers to product detail pages (visible in both control and variation). Impact on adds-to-cart and sales was measured.

Test #387 on by Jakub Linowski   Nov 30, 2021 Mobile Listing

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #88: Action Button In Test #387

In this experiment, simple "Learn More" buttons were added underneath each product thumbnail. These buttons were additional triggers that linked to product detail pages on top of the existing thumbnails and product names (that also linked to the PDPs). Impact on product visits and sales was measured.

Test #386 on by Stanley Zuo   Nov 29, 2021 Desktop Pricing

Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #112: Lower Price Frames In Test #386 On

In this experiment, the annual plan was standardized and framed in a monthly price context (during the iOS signup flow). This made the annual plan more comparable to the monthly plan price. Impact on overall sales and annual plan sales was measured.