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Test #381 on by Ardit Veliu   Oct 30, 2021 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Ardit Veliu Tested Pattern #49: Above The Fold Call To Action In Test #381 On

In this experiment, an extra button to a signup lead form was placed above the fold. In the control, the same button appeared further down on the page.

Test #380 on by Rodolfo Lugli   Oct 27, 2021 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Rodolfo Lugli Tested Pattern #21: What It's Worth In Test #380 On

In this experimemt, the average $ gain from a performed service category was shown on a landing page. Impact on leads was measured (people who would be signing up to offer a particular service).

Test #379 on by Stanley Zuo   Oct 15, 2021 Mobile Pricing

Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #112: Lower Price Frames In Test #379 On

In this experiment, the annual plan was standardized and framed in a monthly price context. This was more comparable with the monthly plan price above. Please also note that the annual billing price was also kept and clearly stated. Impact on overall sales and annual plan sales was measured.

Test #378 on by Jakub Linowski   Oct 07, 2021 Desktop Mobile Product

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #119: Unselected Or Selected Defaults In Test #378

Here we have an experiment with a variation that preselected an option for a club duration. The control required customers to first express the choice for how many months they would like to order a product for. Whereas the variation defaulted to 12 months from the beginning.

Impact on adds-to-cart and sales was measured. The experiment unfortunately had to be stopped early due to another embedded variation that was performing poorly. And so it does not have many transactions.

Test #377 on by Jakub Linowski   Sep 30, 2021 Desktop Shopping Cart

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #121: Free Shipping In Test #377 On

In this experiment, a big "free shipping" badge was added and defaulted to when available. Impact on progression to checkouts and completed sales was measured.

Test #376 on by Samuel Hess   Sep 29, 2021 Mobile Desktop Product

Samuel Hess Tested Pattern #15: Bulleted Reassurances In Test #376 On

In this experiment, a series of reassurances were added just below the add to cart button. These included: "free shipping", "free returns" and an "anti-hole guarantee". The test ran on the product page of an socks ecommerce company. Impact on sales was measured.

Test #375 on by Stanley Zuo   Sep 17, 2021 Mobile Listing

Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #32: Condensed List In Test #375 On

Similar to experiment 373, listing descriptions were shortened dynamically using exposable "more" links AND dates/location data was removed. This way, the variation showed shorter listings and therefore more listings per screens. Impact on listing clicks (progression) along with membership starts was measured.

Test #374 on by Ardit Veliu   Sep 15, 2021 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Ardit Veliu Tested Pattern #9: Multiple Steps In Test #374 On

In this experiment, a lead form with numerous fields shown all at once, was broken down into 3 steps. The first step only asked for a Specialty choice that expanded into a list of options. Impact on full form completions was measured.

Test #373 on by Stanley Zuo   Sep 06, 2021 Mobile Listing

Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #32: Condensed List In Test #373 On

In this experiment, listing descriptions were shortened dynamically using exposable "more" links. This way, the variation showed shorter listings and therefore more listings per screens. Impact on listing clicks (progression) along with membership starts was measured.

Test #372 on by Marika Francisco   Aug 30, 2021 Desktop Product

Marika Francisco Tested Pattern #122: Zigzag Layout In Test #372 On

In this experiment, product descriptions were changed to an alternating zig zag layout with images. Impact on adds-to-cart and sales was measured.

Test #371 on by Jakub Linowski   Aug 18, 2021 Desktop Listing

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #51: Shortcut Buttons In Test #371

In this experiment, the variation added an extra "Buy Now" button that linked directly into the cart process. The variation only had a learn more button linking directly to a product page.

Test #370 on by Julian Gaviria   Aug 16, 2021 Desktop Mobile Listing

Julian Gaviria Tested Pattern #88: Action Button In Test #370 On

This experiment added the simple verb ("play") before the "factory video" label to encourage more video plays. Impact on progression / clicks was measured.

Test #369 on by Rodolfo Lugli   Aug 05, 2021 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Rodolfo Lugli Tested Pattern #7: Social Counts In Test #369 On

In this experimemt, the number of service requests per month were shown that people can expect after signing up in a given category. Impact on leads was measured (people who would be signing up to offer a particular service).

Test #368 on by Andrey Andreev   Aug 02, 2021 Desktop Home & Landing

Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #135: Product Categories In Test #368 On

In this experiment, popular categories were added at the bottom of a long ecommerce homepage. Impact on total sales was measured.

Test #367 on by Stanley Zuo   Jul 22, 2021 Desktop Mobile Signup

Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #124: Confirmed Selection In Test #367 On

In this experiment, a confiming text was added at the top of a signup modal. The text reinforced the selection from a previous listing page, giving a good reason for continuing the signup process.

Test #366 on by Andrey Andreev   Jul 14, 2021 Desktop Mobile Product

Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #93: Auto Next In Test #366 On

In this experiment, the interaction on a product page was changed. In the control (A), after clicking "add to cart", the customer would remain on the product page with an updated basket and the button changing to "Go To Cart". The variation (B) however took customers forward automatically to the cart.

Test #365 on by Andrey Andreev   Jul 13, 2021 Mobile Product

Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #4: Testimonials In Test #365 On

In this experiment, reviews on product pages were exposed completely. Instead of hiding them under a clickable tab, they were shown by default in the variation. Impact on sales was measured.

Test #364 on by Samuel Hess   Jul 06, 2021 Desktop Product

Samuel Hess Tested Pattern #122: Zigzag Layout In Test #364 On

In this experiment, product descriptions or qualities were added using a zigzag layout pattern composed of photos and extra copy. This sections was appended between existing copy and testimonials. Some of the copy highlights included wording such as "innovative surface", "non-slip and wide", and "skin-friendly". Impact on adds-to-cart and sales was measured.

Test #363 on by Jakub Linowski   Jul 05, 2021 Desktop Mobile Product

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #30: Authentic Photos In Test #363

In this experiment, six product photos from were added which showed the actual products (including unboxing images).

Test #362 on by Vinicius Barros Peixoto   Jun 23, 2021 Desktop Mobile Product

Vinicius Barros Peixoto Tested Pattern #7: Social Counts In Test #362 On

In this experiment, the number of recent property views was displayed under the call to action. Impact on overall lead generation was measured. (Translated using Google from Brazilian Portuguese.)