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Test #460 on by Stanley Zuo   Mar 21, 2023 Mobile Listing

Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #41: Sticky Call To Action In Test #460 On

In this experiment, a floating top navigation was shown with a "Join" button. In the control, the navigation was only visible at the top of the page. Also keep in mind that signup starts were also triggered throughout multiple CTAs throughout the page and from particular job detail pages. The a/b test ran on a listing page of Backstage - a casting call job site. Impact on signups  and checkouts was measured.

Test #459 on by Melina Hess   Feb 28, 2023 Desktop Mobile Listing

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #36: Fewer Or More Results In Test #459 On

In this listing page experiment, color sets of the same product were tested against individual products with unique colors (with additional product tiles). Essentially, the A version here contained fewer product items (with color sets), while the B version contained more results and tiles (with grouped products). Impact on total sales was measured.

(The original control and variation was inverted, but was flipped to match the fewer or more results pattern).

Test #458 on by Daria Kurchinskaia   Feb 27, 2023 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Daria Kurchinskaia Tested Pattern #103: Money Back Guarantee In Test #458 On

In this experiment, a cancelation guarantee was added believing it would make users feel safer while canceling their contracts with Volders (the paid service being offered). The variation appended a Guarantee in the headline as a hyperlink with an explanatory tooltip shown on hover. This variation change was added to multiple screens throughout the checkout flow (a 5 step process).

Test #457 on by Jakub Linowski   Feb 26, 2023 Desktop Mobile Shopping Cart

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #64: Tunnel In Test #457

In this experiment, hamburger navigation with product links, was removed from the shopping / add to cart page. Tertiary links (How It Works, Guarantee details and support pages) were also removed, while a "Secure Checkout" message was brought into the header. This header version was already present on the next checkout page, and was copied over one step earlier. The idea was to keep customers within the checkout flow. Impact on sales was measured.

Test #456 on by Daria Kurchinskaia   Feb 23, 2023 Desktop Mobile Signup

Daria Kurchinskaia Tested Pattern #28: Easiest Fields First In Test #456 On

In this experiment, a more difficult step of a contract cancelation service flow was rearranged toward a later step. In the variation, the easier step (hypothetically) with personal details and address fields was placed as the first step. Whereas the step with contract or account numbers (hypothetically more difficult) were placed as the second step.

Test #455 on by Ardit Veliu   Feb 16, 2023 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Ardit Veliu Tested Pattern #117: Company Logos In Test #455 On

In this experiment, supporting university logos were appended near the primary call to action for additional credibility. These logos were placed around the middle of long landing pages on Expert Institute's web site (where experts for legal advice are searched). Impact on total leads was measured.

Test #453 on by Jakub Linowski   Jan 31, 2023 Desktop Mobile Shopping Cart

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #64: Tunnel In Test #453

In this experiment, the footer was simplified with multiple elements being removed (catalog request, secondary links, and a guarantee). Additionally, a more prominent phone number was also displayed.

Test #454 on by Ondřej Ilinčev   Jan 31, 2023 Desktop Mobile Shopping Cart

Ondřej Ilinčev Tested Pattern #64: Tunnel In Test #454 On

In this shopping cart experiment, a tall footer was completely removed. The footer contained elements such as: app download links, a newsletter signup, secondary web site links, trust symbols, social media icons and company contant information. Impact on sales was measured.

Test #452 on by Daria Kurchinskaia   Jan 30, 2023 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Daria Kurchinskaia Tested Pattern #62: Urgent Next Day Delivery In Test #452 On

In this experiment, a count down timer was added near the top of a checkout page. The timer was only shown before 1pm and clarified that the serivce (contract cancellation) will be initiated on the same day if users act before a cut off time. Impact on completed payments was measured.

Test #451 on by Marika Francisco   Jan 25, 2023 Desktop Product

Marika Francisco Tested Pattern #115: Pricing Comparison Table In Test #451 On

In this experiment, a product comparison table was added in the middle of a product detail page. The comparison table contained products from the same class or family of products. Clicking on the photo thumbnails also allowed customers to visit the specific detail page. Impact on adds to cart and transactions was measured.

Test #450 on by Ondřej Ilinčev   Jan 20, 2023 Desktop Shopping Cart

Ondřej Ilinčev Tested Pattern #64: Tunnel In Test #450 On

In this experiment, top category navigation (with fly out categories) was removed from the shopping cart of an online store. Impact on sale transactions was measured.

Test #449 on by Melina Hess   Dec 31, 2022 Desktop Mobile Product

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #78: Tags, Badges And Structured Information In Test #449 On

In this experiment, bestselling product colors were highlighted with a bestseller badge on product listing and product detail pages.

Test #448 on by Vinicius Barros Peixoto   Dec 30, 2022 Desktop Mobile Product

Vinicius Barros Peixoto Tested Pattern #21: What It's Worth In Test #448 On

In this experiment, the B variation showed the relative discount in price from within the most recent 12 months as a percentage point. A tooltip was also shown which explained this message on hover. 

Test #447 on by Vinicius Barros Peixoto   Dec 23, 2022 Mobile Listing

Vinicius Barros Peixoto Tested Pattern #18: Single Or Alternative Buttons In Test #447 On

In this experiment, an additional call to action (Whatsapp link) was added on a listing page of one of Brazil's largest real estate sites.In the variation the 3 calls to action include: a link that launched the phone interaction, a general contact lead form, and finally the Whatsapp link (added in the variant).  Impact on total lead starts and completions was measured.

Test #446 on by Jakub Linowski   Dec 15, 2022 Desktop Mobile Product

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #18: Single Or Alternative Buttons In Test #446

In this experiment, an additional purchase trigger was added - the ability to start by chosing a gift announcement option. In the control, this same question was asked further in the purchase funnel (after adding to cart). In the variation, this question was surfaced earlier as an alternative way of starting the purchase. Impact on total sales was measured.

Test #445 on by Sorcha Mullis   Dec 14, 2022 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Sorcha Mullis Tested Pattern #33: Example Situations In Test #445 On

In this experiment, five clickable feature elements were surfaced on the homepage. Clicking on any of these 5 elements launched an Instastory-like short 10 second video in full screen. These videos explained the key features of the software being offered. Impact on lead generation was measured.

Test #444 on by Melina Hess   Nov 30, 2022 Mobile Product

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #41: Sticky Call To Action In Test #444

In this experiment, a floating add-to-cart with two product choices (color and size) were added on a product page. This appeared only after scrolling past the existing / embedded product selection buy box.

The floating add-to-cart widget had another layer of complexity in that it allowed customers to make a size and color selection with an expandable fly out. Making a selection would also append the total price to the add-to-cart button label.

Impact on total transactions was measured.

Test #442 on by Daria Kurchinskaia   Nov 27, 2022 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Daria Kurchinskaia Tested Pattern #4: Testimonials In Test #442 On

In this experiment, three testimonials were appended at the bottom of landing pages of a contract cancelation service (paid). These testimonials were also shown throughout the complete signup funnel (4 more steps). Impact on progression (step 2) and final completed purchases were measured.

Test #443 on by Daria Kurchinskaia   Nov 27, 2022 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Daria Kurchinskaia Tested Pattern #4: Testimonials In Test #443 On

In this experiment, four TrustPilot reviews were appended at the bottom of landing pages of a contract cancelation service (paid). These reviews were also shown throughout the complete signup funnel (4 more steps). Impact on progression (step 2) and final completed purchases were measured.

Test #441 on by Melina Hess   Nov 23, 2022 Desktop Mobile Product

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #41: Sticky Call To Action In Test #441

In this experiment, a floating sticky bar was added on product pages. The sticky elements only appeared after users scrolled beyond the fixed buy box  area that is relatively high on the page (visible on the control screenshot). The sticky bar contained three elements: a button to configure up to three product choices, a flavor selection pulldown, and the add-to-cart button. 

In the variation, when users clicked on the flavor pulldown three things happened. First, they were anchored back to the top of the buy box. Second, the floating sticky disappeared. And third, the flavors pulldown automatically expanded (overlapping the original primary add-to-cart button).

The control did not have any of the sticky behaviors.

Impact to total sales was measured.