3 Tests By
Chris Goward
Test #79 on
Chris Goward
Jan 10, 2017
Chris Goward Tested Pattern #15: Bulleted Reassurances In Test #79

Test #66 on
Chris Goward
Nov 01, 2016
Chris Goward Tested Pattern #9: Multiple Steps In Test #66 On Telestream.net

Telestream specializes in software that make it possible to get video content to any audience regardless of how it is created, distributed, or viewed. Telestream’s customer acquisition strategy is centered around driving traffic to their website to trial, or to purchase from their online store. Shoppers can buy software online, download it right away, and immediately start using it. The variation was designed with the same information as the control except spread across 4 steps (instead of 3). The rationale was that each step would be shorter and less overwhelming for the user.
Test #54 on
Chris Goward
Aug 11, 2016
Chris Goward Tested Pattern #7: Social Counts In Test #54

Client background (e.g. industry, business model):
This client is a healthcare company: their website is designed for lead generation. This company collects leads for their kidney-focused programs and ultimately provides kidney dialysis for those who decide to become patients.
Experiment background:
This experiment was focused on a right rail and the goal was to encourage more users to sign up to download the client’s free diabetes-friendly cookbook.