9 Tests By Vinicius Barros Peixoto

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Test #448 on Zapimoveis.com.br by Vinicius Barros Peixoto   Dec 30, 2022 Desktop Mobile

Vinicius Barros Peixoto Tested Pattern #21: What It's Worth In Test #448 On Zapimoveis.com.br

In this experiment, the B variation showed the relative discount in price from within the most recent 12 months as a percentage point. A tooltip was also shown which explained this message on hover. 

Test #447 on Vivareal.com.br by Vinicius Barros Peixoto   Dec 23, 2022 Mobile

Vinicius Barros Peixoto Tested Pattern #18: Single Or Alternative Buttons In Test #447 On Vivareal.com.br

In this experiment, an additional call to action (Whatsapp link) was added on a listing page of one of Brazil's largest real estate sites.In the variation the 3 calls to action include: a link that launched the phone interaction, a general contact lead form, and finally the Whatsapp link (added in the variant).  Impact on total lead starts and completions was measured.

Test #362 on Vivareal.com.br by Vinicius Barros Peixoto   Jun 23, 2021 Desktop Mobile

Vinicius Barros Peixoto Tested Pattern #7: Social Counts In Test #362 On Vivareal.com.br

In this experiment, the number of recent property views was displayed under the call to action. Impact on overall lead generation was measured. (Translated using Google from Brazilian Portuguese.)

Test #314 on Zapimoveis.com.br by Vinicius Barros Peixoto   Aug 21, 2020 Desktop Mobile

Vinicius Barros Peixoto Tested Pattern #43: Long Titles In Test #314 On Zapimoveis.com.br

In this experiment, a dynamic page title was generated and added at the top of the screen. The first few words from a property description were used to dynamically generate these titles. The effect on leads was measured.

Test #301 on Zapimoveis.com.br by Vinicius Barros Peixoto   May 31, 2020 Desktop Mobile

Vinicius Barros Peixoto Tested Pattern #21: What It's Worth In Test #301 On Zapimoveis.com.br

In this experiment, the B variation property prices were framed using higher and crossed out price points from 12 months ago - achieving a relative discount. A tooltip was also shown which explained the higher price point on hover. The example in the screenshot translates to "2% less compared to 12 months ago". This high-power experiment measured the number of leads that were generated on property (product) screens.

Test #298 on Zapimoveis.com.br by Vinicius Barros Peixoto   May 14, 2020 Desktop Mobile

Vinicius Barros Peixoto Tested Pattern #36: Fewer Or More Results In Test #298 On Zapimoveis.com.br

In this experiment on a listing page, the search was expanded to show more listings (variation B). Conditionally, if there were fewer than 36 results, set basic filters such as number bedrooms and bathrooms were expanded and appended to the results. Hence if someone chose 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms in variation A, they would only see listing with that filter. In variation B however they would first see the filtered results, and later they would also see results with 3 or more of each. 

Test #215 on Vivareal.com.br by Vinicius Barros Peixoto   Dec 21, 2018 Mobile

Vinicius Barros Peixoto Tested Pattern #92: Already Viewed Label In Test #215 On Vivareal.com.br

The idea of this test was to add a "Viewed" label on a listing page to indicate listings which have already been viewed by users.

Test #209 on Vivareal.com.br by Vinicius Barros Peixoto   Nov 12, 2018 Mobile

Vinicius Barros Peixoto Tested Pattern #34: Open In A New Tab In Test #209 On Vivareal.com.br

The idea of this experiment was taking advantage of mobile browser behavior. When a link is open in a new tab on mobile browsers, and users hit the back button, the tab closes and users get back exactly where they were before without any new result page load.

Test #196 on Vivareal.com.br by Vinicius Barros Peixoto   Aug 14, 2018 Mobile

Vinicius Barros Peixoto Tested Pattern #80: Persistent Filters In Test #196 On Vivareal.com.br

The experiment goal was automatically applying filters the users have already done in our result page, during their navigation to the site. The variation always applied the filters in the same session and asked users on new sessions.