Evidence #74: Publish Engaging Polls

Thanks to Pierre Olivier Martel from poll-app.com for sharing Evidence Test #74. All that was changed in the test was the headline for more clarity and a stronger benefit, resulting in an subtle increase in signups.

What Can We Learn From This Test?

The homepage variation changed the headline from "Ask Questions. Get Answers." to "Publish Engaging Polls On Facebook". The result? A possible +4.3% increase to signups (measured with signup starts). Here are some reason why this might have worked:

  • Stronger Benefit

    The words "Engaging Polls" might be emphasizing a stronger benefit which empowers authors to connect with their audience (as opposed to just getting an answer).

  • Greater Clarity

    Perhaps "Getting Answers" isn't as clear as "Polls On Facebook" which describe how the answers will be obtained and where.

  • Any Other Explanations? Share Your Comments Below

Comparing To Another Test

If we extend our comparison to another test (Test #75) we could obtain a more complete picture. Test #75 actually changed the same headline from "Ask Questions. Get Answers." to "Polls For Your Facebook Page & Timeline" with an insignificant negative effect of -1.8%. If we view Test #75 as providing greater clarity (ineffectively), then we could attribute more weight to the stronger benefit explanation behind #74 (that of offering "Engaging Polls").
