Reverb's UI Redesign Succeeds In This A/B Test ran this site wide stylistic redesign experiment. It involved a number of rather "soft" UI changes involving button, font, and component styles. Fastforward two months and it now seems like it has been rolled out - suggesting that the variation did not hurt to say the least.

B - Oct 25, 2023 Screenshot

Highlighted UI Changes From This Leak
Removed Borders
In the variation we can see the removal of borders on multiple components throughout the page. For example, the borders on the first product photo was dropped as well as further components such as: About This Listing and Product Specs.
Larger And Higher Product Titles
Larger, bolder and more visible product titles.
Larger Buttons
Most of the buttons increases in size, padding and text size.
This is very similar to Pattern #97: Bigger Form Fields
Secondary Buttons Gained A Background Color Fill
Secondary buttons throughout the page were essentially "ghost buttons". In the variation they gained a light grey background fill.
This is very similar to Pattern #77: Filled Or Ghost Buttons
Shifted Customer Reviews
This was a subtle change, but the customer review summaries were shifted a little further down in the buy box (still visible above the fold).
This is very similar to Pattern #6: Customer Star Ratings
Multiple Font Styling Changes
Throughout the page we can also see numerous font changes probably aimed at improving legibility. Some of these include: a different font, larger font size, larger subheadings, heavier font-weights on subheadings, etc.
Thumbnail Changes
Last but not least, product thumbnails were also redesigned with rounded corners, light grey backgrounds and slightly smaller size - increasing their density (or visible thumnail to screen ratio).
This is very similar to Pattern #36: Fewer Or More Results