Walmart A/B Tests Popular Product Tags
Walmart was noticed running a product detail page experiment with an added "popular picks" badge. The badges were added to some products based on some undecipherable logic. Other products would also sometimes show "best seller" badges, including being shown together. Either way, it now looks like these badges have been rolled out - hinting at a positive signal from a completed a/b test.

B - Apr 18, 2022 Screenshot

Highlighted UI Changes From This Leak
Extra Badges
Popular picks badges were added above the buy box. These were not clickable, nor were they shown on other pages (ex: listing pages).
0.5 Repeatability has been assigned to Pattern #78: Tags, Badges And Structured Information as evidence that it's getting better
Repeatability is a net count of evidence for or against a pattern. It’s how we can predict which patterns are better than others. :)