Pattern #32: Condensed List
Pattern #32 Tested 5 timesFirst tested by
Grzegorz Jancewicz Recently tested by
Stanley Zuo on Sep 17, 2021
Based on 5 Tests, Members See How Likely Version B Wins Or Loses And By How Much
Measured by the sum of negative and positive tests.

Expected Median Effects Of B
(5 tests)
(2 tests)
(3 tests)
(5 tests)
Tested on
Etsy Runs An A/B Test Suggesting That Less Isn't Necessarily More
This interesting experiment was discovered a month ago on Etsy's product listing screens. In a nutshell, more traditional and elaborate product tiles was aggressively shortened by removing a lot of information such as product names and customer reviews. This had the additional effect of shortening the tested listing pages. One more later, the experiment looks like it was rejected - hinting that less is not always more. :) View Leak
For each pattern, we measure three key data points derived from related tests:
REPEATABILITY - this is a measure of how often a given pattern has generated a positive or negative effect. The higher this number, the more likely the pattern will continue to repeat.
SHALLOW MEDIAN - this is a median effect measured with low intent actions such as initiating the first step of a lengthier process
DEEP MEDIAN - this is derived from the highest intent metrics that we have for a given test such as fully completed signups or sales.