Pattern #78: Tags, Badges And Structured Information
Pattern #78 Tested 7 timesFirst tested by
Kimberly Cheung Recently tested by
Daria Kurchinskaia on Feb 12, 2024
Based on 7 Tests, Members See How Likely Version B Wins Or Loses And By How Much
Measured by the sum of negative and positive tests.

Expected Median Effects Of B
(3 tests)
(1 tests)
(3 tests)
(4 tests)
(1 tests)
(7 tests)
Amazon Discovers That Showing Structured Product Details Is Better
Amazon has been seen a/b testing the addition of product details or technical specifications, visibly above the fold. In this captured screenshot for example, we see such technical information as storage size, model numbers and types of interfaces. Interestingly, this change was rolled out when the experiment finished - hinting at a positive probability. View Leak
Amazon A/B Tests And Rolls Out Extra Product Information On Book Pages
Amazon ran an experiment where they showed additional product information on books. This included such structured information as: language, publisher, publication date, dimensions, etc. View Leak
Walmart A/B Tests Popular Product Tags
Walmart was noticed running a product detail page experiment with an added "popular picks" badge. The badges were added to some products based on some undecipherable logic. Other products would also sometimes show "best seller" badges, including being shown together. View Leak
For each pattern, we measure three key data points derived from related tests:
REPEATABILITY - this is a measure of how often a given pattern has generated a positive or negative effect. The higher this number, the more likely the pattern will continue to repeat.
SHALLOW MEDIAN - this is a median effect measured with low intent actions such as initiating the first step of a lengthier process
DEEP MEDIAN - this is derived from the highest intent metrics that we have for a given test such as fully completed signups or sales.