64 Tests By
Jakub Linowski
Test #457 on
Jakub Linowski
Feb 26, 2023
Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #64: Tunnel In Test #457
In this experiment, hamburger navigation with product links, was removed from the shopping / add to cart page. Tertiary links (How It Works, Guarantee details and support pages) were also removed, while a "Secure Checkout" message was brought into the header. This header version was already present on the next checkout page, and was copied over one step earlier. The idea was to keep customers within the checkout flow. Impact on sales was measured.
Test #453 on
Jakub Linowski
Jan 31, 2023
Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #64: Tunnel In Test #453
In this experiment, the footer was simplified with multiple elements being removed (catalog request, secondary links, and a guarantee). Additionally, a more prominent phone number was also displayed.
Test #446 on
Jakub Linowski
Dec 15, 2022
Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #18: Single Or Alternative Buttons In Test #446
In this experiment, an additional purchase trigger was added - the ability to start by chosing a gift announcement option. In the control, this same question was asked further in the purchase funnel (after adding to cart). In the variation, this question was surfaced earlier as an alternative way of starting the purchase. Impact on total sales was measured.
Test #430 on
Jakub Linowski
Sep 20, 2022
Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #26: Cart Reminder And Recently Viewed In Test #430
In this experiment, up to 5 recently viewed product pages would appear on the left hand navigation. The idea was to make it easier for users get back to what they were looking at in case they were browsing. These recently viewed products were not visibile in the control. Impact on adds-to-cart and completed transactions was measured.
Test #425 on
Jakub Linowski
Aug 03, 2022
Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #41: Sticky Call To Action In Test #425
In this experiment, the complete buy box on a product detail page, floated along as users scrolled through the long screen. The variation made sure the product choice and order now button was always visible. Impact on adds-to-cart and sales was measured.
Test #419 on
Jakub Linowski
Jun 29, 2022
Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #68: Welcome Discount In Test #419
In this experiment, the presence of a discount modal (bigger discount for larger purchases) was tested on home and product pages. The trigger happend after a scroll down, a few second pause, and a mouse scroll up interaction. Impact on sales was measured.
Test #413 on
Jakub Linowski
May 26, 2022
Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #114: Less Or More Visible Prices In Test #413
Should prices be displayed during an editing state on an add-to-cart screen (after adding-to-cart from a product detail page)? In this experiment, club pricing was added and shown in three areas after customers clicked on a small "edit details" links. The control did not have this pricing information (which was only shown on a product detail screen before).
Test #408 on
Jakub Linowski
Apr 29, 2022
Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #67: Currency & Taxes In Test #408
Here is a very simple experiment where CDN currency copy was appended to prices being shown on a Canadian ecommerce site. Additional copy ("from Canada") was appended to an existing shipping message.
Test #403 on
Jakub Linowski
Mar 29, 2022
Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #42: Countdown Timer In Test #403
In this experiment, an urgency related message with a dynamic countdown timer was added on the final checkout screen. Impact on sales was measured.
Test #399 on
Jakub Linowski
Feb 27, 2022
Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #35: Floating Labels In Test #399
In this experiment, top-aligned field labels were tested against floating labels (with labels floating inside the form field itself).
Test #395 on
Jakub Linowski
Jan 31, 2022
Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #52: How It Works In Test #395
In this experiment, a How It Works section was appended on a product detail page just above product reviews.
Test #392 on
Jakub Linowski
Dec 31, 2021
Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #122: Zigzag Layout In Test #392
In this experiment, paragraph style copy was reorganized into a zig zag layout with key sections being reinforiced with copy-as-image statements. Impact on adds-to-cart and sales was measured.
Test #388 on
Jakub Linowski
Dec 09, 2021
Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #51: Shortcut Buttons In Test #388
In this experiment, extra "buy now" buttons were added on a listing page. These buttons were shortcuts to an add to cart flow, whereas the "learn more" buttons lead customers to product detail pages (visible in both control and variation). Impact on adds-to-cart and sales was measured.
Test #387 on
Jakub Linowski
Nov 30, 2021
Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #88: Action Button In Test #387
In this experiment, simple "Learn More" buttons were added underneath each product thumbnail. These buttons were additional triggers that linked to product detail pages on top of the existing thumbnails and product names (that also linked to the PDPs). Impact on product visits and sales was measured.
Test #383 on
Jakub Linowski
Nov 11, 2021
Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #123: Single Or Double Column Form Fields In Test #383
In this simple [inverted] experiment, the variation organized the form fields into a single column. The control had two columns of form fields.
Test #378 on
Jakub Linowski
Oct 07, 2021
Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #119: Unselected Or Selected Defaults In Test #378
Here we have an experiment with a variation that preselected an option for a club duration. The control required customers to first express the choice for how many months they would like to order a product for. Whereas the variation defaulted to 12 months from the beginning.
Impact on adds-to-cart and sales was measured. The experiment unfortunately had to be stopped early due to another embedded variation that was performing poorly. And so it does not have many transactions.
Test #377 on
Jakub Linowski
Sep 30, 2021
Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #121: Free Shipping In Test #377 On Adoramapix.com
In this experiment, a big "free shipping" badge was added and defaulted to when available. Impact on progression to checkouts and completed sales was measured.
Test #371 on
Jakub Linowski
Aug 18, 2021
Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #51: Shortcut Buttons In Test #371
In this experiment, the variation added an extra "Buy Now" button that linked directly into the cart process. The variation only had a learn more button linking directly to a product page.
Test #363 on
Jakub Linowski
Jul 05, 2021
Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #30: Authentic Photos In Test #363
In this experiment, six product photos from were added which showed the actual products (including unboxing images).
Test #360 on
Jakub Linowski
Jun 16, 2021
Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #60: Repeated Bottom Call To Action In Test #360
In this experiment, a comparison chart with various purchasing options was appended at the bottom of a product page.