All Latest 539 A/B Tests
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Test #48 on by Herman Klein Oct 01, 2016 Product
Herman Klein Tested Pattern #4: Testimonials In Test #48 On
Test #54 on by Chris Goward Aug 11, 2016 Desktop Mobile Product
Chris Goward Tested Pattern #7: Social Counts In Test #54
Client background (e.g. industry, business model):
This client is a healthcare company: their website is designed for lead generation. This company collects leads for their kidney-focused programs and ultimately provides kidney dialysis for those who decide to become patients.
Experiment background:
This experiment was focused on a right rail and the goal was to encourage more users to sign up to download the client’s free diabetes-friendly cookbook.
Test #47 on by Herman Klein Jun 09, 2016 Desktop Shopping Cart
Herman Klein Tested Pattern #4: Testimonials In Test #47 On
Test #53 on by Someone Aug 01, 2015 Desktop Home & Landing
Someone Tested Pattern #6: Customer Star Ratings In Test #53
Test #43 on Embracepetinsurance.... by Matt Aster Aug 01, 2015 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing