Pattern #7: Social Counts

Pattern #7  Tested 17 timesFirst tested by Jaymie Friesen Recently tested by Jakub Linowski on Jul 22, 2024

Based on 17 Tests, Members See How Likely Version B Wins Or Loses And By How Much


Measured by the sum of negative and positive tests.

Social Counts (Variant A) Social Counts (Variant B)

Expected Median Effects Of B



(8 tests)



(6 tests)



(4 tests)





(9 tests)









(17 tests)


Pattern #7: Social Counts
Was Tested by Jakub Linowski



Test # 543 Jul 22, 2024 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 36,948 Visitors

  • Measured by adds to cart

  • Measured by completed purchases

In this experiment, social proof copy was added just below product photos. The copy emphasied that "3 million satisfied customers" and "10 million deliveries since 2003". Impact on sales was measured.

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The Same Pattern Was Also Tested Here



Test # 500 on by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Craig Kistler    Oct 25, 2023 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 106,467 Visitors

  • Measured by adds to cart

  • Measured by completed orders

This was a replication attempt similar to experiment 497. A social proof message was added below add to cart buttons on product detail pages. Impact on adds to cart and transactions was measured.

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Test # 498 Oct 19, 2023 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 14,539 Visitors

  • Measured by adds to cart

  • Measured by completed sales

In this experiment, the variation tracked how many people would add something to cart over the last 24 hours and display that just below the add to cart button. Impact on adds to cart and transactions was measured.

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Test # 497 on by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Craig Kistler    Oct 16, 2023 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 451,850 Visitors

  • Measured by adds to cart

  • Measured by completed orders

In this experiment, a social proof message was added below add to cart buttons on product detail pages. The copy read "Hurry, X people have viewed this product". Impact on adds to cart and transactions was measured.

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Test # 464 on Expertinstitute.... by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Ardit Veliu    Mar 31, 2023 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 10,448 Visitors

  • Measured by next step visits

  • Measured by all steps completed

In this experiment, copy was added which showed the number of experts (in a given category) a person may gain access to after filling out a lead form. The context of this is a lead-gen landing page where people are seeking experts for legal purposes. Impact on initial progression (of a multi step form) and completed leads was measured.

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Test # 436 on by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Daniel Shapiro    Oct 25, 2022 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 11,214 Visitors

  • Measured by completed signup forms

  • Measured by course enrollments

In this experiment, social proof and scarcity messages were shown on a course enrollment landing page. When students were starting to sign up at the beginning of each month (with greater availability), a simpler "X students have already enrolled in the next cohort" message was used.

Later in the month when fewer spots were available, a more scarce message was used with the following copy "ONLY X SPOTS available in the next cohort".

In both cases, the numbers were accurate and dynamically updated.

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Test # 369 on by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Rodolfo Lugli    Aug 05, 2021 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 4,256 Visitors

  • Measured by completed form

In this experimemt, the number of service requests per month were shown that people can expect after signing up in a given category. Impact on leads was measured (people who would be signing up to offer a particular service).

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Test # 362 on by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name V. Barros Peixoto    Jun 23, 2021 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 7,087,369 Visitors

  • Measured by any lead-gen form submits

In this experiment, the number of recent property views was displayed under the call to action. Impact on overall lead generation was measured. (Translated using Google from Brazilian Portuguese.)

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Test # 315 on by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Stanley Zuo    Aug 22, 2020 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 43,751 Visitors

  • Measured by completed registrations

  • Measured by completed membership purchases

In this experiment, a dynamic number of job postings was displayed during the signup process - reinforcing the value of signing up for membership access.

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Test # 285 on by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Lukas Jorissen    Feb 27, 2020 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 137,190 Visitors

  • Measured by adds to cart

  • Measured by completed transactions

In this experiment, realtime social proof information has been added below an add-to-cart button. The variation shows how many users that have viewed, or placed a product into their basket. Translated to "4 visitors have this product in their shopping cart."

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Test # 242 by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Alex James    May 27, 2019 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 79,012 Visitors

  • Measured by successful signups

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Test # 222 on by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Julian Gaviria    Feb 01, 2019 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 34,676 Visitors

  • Measured by next step visits (form step 2)

  • Measured by successful registration (from step 2)

In this variation, a number of social proof references were added to a signup modal.

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Test # 201 by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Ben Labay    Sep 19, 2018 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 59,003 Visitors

  • Measured by total upsells

In this test the upsell modal had an added text box with number of people that day who took the offer. The test hypothesis was that social proof will add motivation to take an action and the offer.

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Test # 189 on by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Kimberly Cheung    Jul 23, 2018 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 259,933 Visitors

  • Measured by successful signups

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Test # 181 on by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Kimberly Cheung    Jun 04, 2018 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 175,247 Visitors

  • Measured by signup funnel registrations

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Test # 84 on by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Jaymie Friesen    Mar 02, 2017 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 25,610 Visitors

  • Measured by starting the signup funnel

  • Measured by visits to thank you page (3 more steps)

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Test # 54 by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Chris Goward    Aug 11, 2016 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 95,073 Visitors

  • Measured by clicks on buttons

Client background (e.g. industry, business model):

This client is a healthcare company: their website is designed for lead generation. This company collects leads for their kidney-focused programs and ultimately provides kidney dialysis for those who decide to become patients.


Experiment background:

This experiment was focused on a right rail and the goal was to encourage more users to sign up to download the client’s free diabetes-friendly cookbook.

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Leak #32 from   |   Nov 11, 2019 Home & Landing

Airbnb A/B Tests And Rejects Both Of These Social Proof Statements

Many companies have already tried and tested the pattern of displaying numerical social proof in some form or another. In this leaked experiment from Airbnb on their host signup landing page, we managed to detect two social proof statements that were eventually rejected. Here are some potential explanations as to possibly why they failed to deliver on an improvement. View Leak

-0.5 Evidence

Leak #91 from   |   Mar 1, 2023 Product

Etsy A/B Tests "In X Carts" Social Proof Message

Etsy has been a/b testing a simple and common social proof element on some of their product pages. They showed how many users have recently added an item in their shopping carts.  View Leak

+0.5 Evidence

For each pattern, we measure three key data points derived from related tests:

REPEATABILITY - this is a measure of how often a given pattern has generated a positive or negative effect. The higher this number, the more likely the pattern will continue to repeat.

SHALLOW MEDIAN - this is a median effect measured with low intent actions such as initiating the first step of a lengthier process

DEEP MEDIAN - this is derived from the highest intent metrics that we have for a given test such as fully completed signups or sales.