Pattern #79: Single Or Multiple Triggers

Pattern #79  Tested 9 timesFirst tested by Lars Skjold Iversen Recently tested by Melina Hess on Jun 24, 2024

Based on 9 Tests, Members See How Likely Version B Wins Or Loses And By How Much


Measured by the sum of negative and positive tests.

Single Or Multiple Triggers (Variant A) Single Or Multiple Triggers (Variant B)

Expected Median Effects Of B



(5 tests)









(9 tests)



(1 tests)







(9 tests)


Pattern #79: Single Or Multiple Triggers
Was Tested On by Melina Hess



Test # 539 on by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Melina Hess    Jun 24, 2024 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 1,075,901 Visitors

  • Measured by completed purchases

In this experiment, two different navigation defaults were tested against each other. In one version we can see 1) more popular products with 2) more categorical granularity being shown in the expanded state. In the other version we see "new products" being shown as the default (with a lot fewer product subcategories) to choose from.

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The Same Pattern Was Also Tested Here



Test # 524 on by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Craig Kistler    Mar 26, 2024 Test link

Find Out How It Did

  • Measured by completed sales

  • Measured by AOV

In this experiment, additional (discounted) products were shown at the top of category listing pages with a link to see more such products ("View All Price Drops"). Impact on overall sales was measured.

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Test # 511 on Online.metro-cc.... by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Andrey Andreev    Jan 09, 2024 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 760,358 Visitors

  • Measured by total adds to cart

  • Measured by completed sales

In this experiment, popular products were shown at the top of the homepage. Impact to sale was measured.

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Test # 446 Dec 15, 2022 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 100,016 Visitors

  • Measured by adds to cart

  • Measured by completed sales

In this experiment, an additional purchase trigger was added - the ability to start by chosing a gift announcement option. In the control, this same question was asked further in the purchase funnel (after adding to cart). In the variation, this question was surfaced earlier as an alternative way of starting the purchase. Impact on total sales was measured.

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Test # 418 on Online.metro-cc.... by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Andrey Andreev    Jun 28, 2022 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 78,582 Visitors

  • Measured by completed sales

In this experiment, popular product category links were added near the bottom of the homepage of an online grocery store - Metro. Impact on completed sales was measured.

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Test # 368 on by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Andrey Andreev    Aug 02, 2021 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 2,278,698 Visitors

  • Measured by completed sales

In this experiment, popular categories were added at the bottom of a long ecommerce homepage. Impact on total sales was measured.

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Test # 356 on by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Andrey Andreev    May 29, 2021 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 5,469,900 Visitors

  • Measured by completed sales

In this experiment, popular search terms were added at the bottom of a long e-commerce homepage. Hence, the variation showed additional search triggers that lead to results pages. (Translated from Russian using Google Translate)

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Test # 355 by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Jakub Linowski    May 28, 2021 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 26,902 Visitors

  • Measured by visits any product or variety page

  • Measured by adds to cart

  • Measured by total sales

In this experiment, an extra product choice was added to the header of a homepage. Instead of only highlighting a set of four specific products, the option to build custom variety one, was added.

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Test # 279 on by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Lars Skjold Iversen    Jan 16, 2020 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 22,540 Visitors

  • Measured by visiting any course landing page

  • Measured by starting any course checkout

In this experiment, 3 additional course links with descriptions were added to the homepage. The idea was to increase course sales aside of the Saas subscription signups.

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Leak #1 from   |   Feb 14, 2019 Product

Airbnb Added More Search Cues

In this leak, three Airbnb property page screenshots with different time frames have been compared. Having done this, it became clear that at least one design decision was made near the bottom of the screen - further confirmed by the final screenshot. View Leak

+0.25 Evidence

Leak #3 from   |   Mar 30, 2019 Product

Etsy A/B Tested And Implemented Related Products Thumbnails

Showing related products might be considered popular practice by now. If a customer doesn't feel that a given product is exactly what they are looking for, somewhere at the bottom of a page they might get nudged with other hopefully relevant product options. View Leak

+0.5 Evidence

Leak #79 from   |   Apr 26, 2022 Product

Etsy A/B Tests Extra Product Collections

Etsy just completed a simple product page experiment. At the bottom of most of their product pages extra products were appended in the form of visual collections. View Leak

+0.5 Evidence

For each pattern, we measure three key data points derived from related tests:

REPEATABILITY - this is a measure of how often a given pattern has generated a positive or negative effect. The higher this number, the more likely the pattern will continue to repeat.

SHALLOW MEDIAN - this is a median effect measured with low intent actions such as initiating the first step of a lengthier process

DEEP MEDIAN - this is derived from the highest intent metrics that we have for a given test such as fully completed signups or sales.