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From Leaked Screenshots & A/B Tests.


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Leak #49 from   |   Mar 23, 2020 Home & Landing

Netflix A/B Tests 4 Secondary Choices - All Of Which Get Rejected

In this experiment, Netflix displayed secondary buttons in at least 4 different ways. The idea might have been related to something written about by Online Dialogue - what Bart Schutz calls Hobson's +1 Choice Effect. View Leak

Leak #48 from   |   Mar 9, 2020 Listing

Airbnb A/B Tests And Implements Customer Rating Averages Above Search Results

In this simple experiment, Airbnb tested the display of customer rarings averages on their search results screen. The tested copy was a form of social proof which showed the average rating of the properties for a given city (defined by the search). View Leak

Leak #47 from   |   Mar 2, 2020 Product

Bol Tests 8 Add-To-Cart Buttons With 1 Winner

Bol, a leading online retailer in the Netherlands, just completed a beautiful experiment with 8 add-to-cart button variations. Two potentially leading variations (C & G) were then retested in a followup A/B test. Today, we have finally detected that the C version ("In winkelwagen" translated to "Add to cart") has been implemented on all product pages. View Leak

Leak #46 from   |   Feb 25, 2020 Home & Landing

Booking Discovers That Two Search Bars Are Not Better Than One

In this experiment Booking added a second search bar on their homepage. The intention might have been to provide users a way to filter more destinations by country. Could this scenario have created an akward uncertainty about which form field to engage with? Whether this explanation is true or not, I'm not sure. What we do know however that in the end, the control version with the single search bar prevailed.  View Leak

Leak #45 from   |   Feb 18, 2020 Home & Landing

Netflix A/B Tests Upfront Email Capture At The Start Of Their Signup Flow And It Succeeds

Once upon a time, Netflix had asked users to enter their email address far down in the signup flow. The email field appeared after a user moved from the hompage, through a series of confirmation steps, and a plan selection - what might officially be counted as the fifth step. All this was challenged with the following experiment where the email field was placed right at the forefront. More so, it also looks like this changed generated some positive impact as it was also rolled out. View Leak

Leak #44 from   |   Feb 10, 2020 Global

Etsy Discovers A Better, Padded And Wider Search Bar In This A/B/C Test

Etsy just completed a cascade experiment with 3 version of their global search bar. Interestingly the cascaded version with all inherited changes, took the lead. View Leak

Leak #43 from   |   Feb 3, 2020 Product

Airbnb Discovers A Better Calendar Picker Component From This UI Experiment

This was a simple calendar picker experiment that Aribnb recently ran and eventually rolled out. The A/B test contains at least 4 simple UI changes which might have contributed to a positive outcome. And so this also shows us what a slightly better UI component looks like. View Leak

Leak #42 from   |   Jan 27, 2020 Product

Airbnb Attempts A Big Property Page Redesign But It Is Rejected After This A/B Test

Over two months ago I managed to detect this exciting product/property page redesign on Airbnb with at least 17 UI changes. Unfortunately, as hard as the Airbnb team must have worked on these layout improvements, we now can see that the experiment has ended and the old control version (A) remains the better performer. View Leak

Leak #41 from   |   Jan 20, 2020 Listing

Airbnb A/B Tests Search With Automatic Prompts Which Gets Rejected

In this listing page experiment, Airbnb tried an very similar search interaction that is already present on's homepage. Instead of only asking users for their destination, the search interaction was extended to prompt for travel dates and number of guests. View Leak

Leak #40 from   |   Jan 10, 2020 Pricing

Netflix Keeps Its Older Price Comparison Table And Rejects Their New Layout In This A/B Test

Netflix has been experimenting with the layout of their pricing plans. Challenging the more traditional pricing comparison table, instead they a/b tested three self-contained pricing plan tiles. This newer version however ended up being rejected as we noticed. View Leak

Leak #39 from   |   Jan 3, 2020 Listing

Booking A/B Tests Ghost Buttons, But Their Hopes Fade Away As Predicted

Ghosts buttons. We know that this style of buttons is net negative based on this evidence-based pattern. So when Booking ran this experiment, it's no surpirse that it was eventually rejected - a predictable replication. View Leak

Leak #38 from   |   Dec 27, 2019 Global

Amazon's Loaded Hamburger Menu Beats Its Older Dropdown Version In This A/B Test

At first glance some A/B tests may seem like they are beautifully simple with a single controlled variable. Yet as we look at the experiment in more detail, more and more subtle differences start coming into view. This I think is the case with Amazon's most recent experiment where it seems that only a dropdown menu was shifted into a hamburger one - which ended up winning.  View Leak

Leak #37 from   |   Dec 17, 2019 Listing

Bol Discovers Something Better Than Classic Pulldown Menus, As Expected

When Bol ran their list vs grid view experiment, they also included a variation that tested for another very simple change: the exposure of menu options. That is, the listing page variant was designed to check if three more visible pull down options would be better or worse than just showing them hidden inside the pulldown. View Leak

Leak #36 from   |   Dec 10, 2019 Signup

Booking Fails To Replicate Airbnb's Signup, This Experiment Suggests

It seems to me that Booking may have attempted a replication or imitation of one of their competitors - I'll let you be the judge. View Leak

Leak #35 from   |   Dec 2, 2019 Pricing

Netflix A/B Tests A Single Plan Recommendation And It Becomes Rejected

Netflix made a bold move and challenged their traditional 3 plan pricing page with a preselected single plan recommendation. Clear and equally balanced choice vs. a single mid tier plan.  View Leak

Leak #34 from   |   Nov 25, 2019 Listing

Google Also A/B Tests The List Vs The Grid

Interestingly, Google was also discovered a/b testing the list vs grid pattern just as Bol finished a similar experiment this month. The Google experiment ran on one of their shopping results pages with the specific query for "flowers". And the outcome? Looks like the grid beat the list and was rolled out in this case.  View Leak

Leak #33 from   |   Nov 18, 2019 Listing

Bol A/B Tests The UI Classic: List Vs Grid View With A Clear Decision

I am continously interested in answering and providing guidance on whether grid or list views are in general better, worse or indifferent as one of many UI patterns. To my surprise, the leading Dutch web shop, has recently a/b tested this classic pattern which we were super lucky to detect on their red wine product listing pages. After anticipating their leaked design decision, we eventually learned that lists fared better for Bol. This of course we'll now use as additional and emerging evidence to tip the scales of probability (and hopefully better predict similar future experiments). View Leak

Leak #32 from   |   Nov 11, 2019 Home & Landing

Airbnb A/B Tests And Rejects Both Of These Social Proof Statements

Many companies have already tried and tested the pattern of displaying numerical social proof in some form or another. In this leaked experiment from Airbnb on their host signup landing page, we managed to detect two social proof statements that were eventually rejected. Here are some potential explanations as to possibly why they failed to deliver on an improvement. View Leak

Leak #31 from   |   Nov 4, 2019 Home & Landing

Netflix Designs Their Button A Little Too Big

Sooner or later design properties should reach optimums for their given contexts. That is, UI elements will become just right - not too big and not too small, or not too high and not to low, etc. In this leak, it seems that Netflix has approached such an optimum when they tested various button sizes on their landing page. Given that form elements and buttons should generally be bigger, it was inevitable for this new evidence to appear as an example of a button being simply too big - as seen in this beautiful experiment. :) View Leak

Leak #30 from   |   Oct 28, 2019 Home & Landing

Booking's Homepage Carousel Experiment Fails As Predicted

I was glad to detect this carousel experiment that Booking recently ran on their homepage because we've already seen similar experiments fail in the past. Instead of showing 5 location tiles, they tested a version that only showed 3 tiles at a time with an ability to slide for more - a carousel. It wasn't the automatic slider type that would unleash the wrath of Karl Gilis, but it was a user-invoked slider nevertheless. View Leak