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Test #145 on by Nathon Raine   Jan 18, 2018 Desktop Checkout

Nathon Raine Tested Pattern #1: Remove Coupon Fields In Test #145 On

In this test the coupon field was replaced with a small link that would bring the field back if needed. This is a more suble approach than just completely removing the coupon field. It still allows for the use of coupon fields by those customers which are truly searching for a way to enter their aquired codes.

Test #137 on by Daniel Shapiro   Dec 22, 2017 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Daniel Shapiro Tested Pattern #46: Pay Later In Test #137 On

This test was run on a 3 step checkout process. The first screen was asking for contact information, and the second screen asked for credit card details. The change was shown on both first two steps as shown on the image below.

Test #138 on by Daniel Shapiro   Dec 22, 2017 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Daniel Shapiro Tested Pattern #42: Countdown Timer In Test #138 On

This test was run on a 3 step checkout process. The first screen was asking for contact information, and the second screen asked for credit card details. The change was shown on both first two steps as shown on the image below.

Test #129 on by Kyle Rush   Jun 01, 2012 Desktop Checkout

Kyle Rush Tested Pattern #9: Multiple Steps In Test #129 On

Kyle's team changed a donation form for the Barack Obama 2012 campaign from a single step to a 4 step one. The 4 steps were: amount, personal information, billing information and occupation/employer.

"Our plan was to separate the field groups into four smaller steps so that users did not feel overwhelmed by the length of the form." - Kyle Rush