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Test #414 on by Frederik Fröhle   May 31, 2022 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Frederik Fröhle Tested Pattern #98: Auto Suggest In Test #414 On

Does adding Google's address auto complete functionality to an address field help with higher form completions? This auto fill feature has been tested in the variation of a contract cancellation funnel. After selecting an auto completed address from a pulldown menu, the following fields were preselected: house number, zip code, city and country (potentially lowering friction?). Impact on successful form completions (contract cancellations) has been measured. Notice how the form also expanded progressively upon selecting the complete address in the variation.  

Test #412 on by Frederik Fröhle   May 16, 2022 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Frederik Fröhle Tested Pattern #15: Bulleted Reassurances In Test #412 On

The Volders experimentation team assumed that adding information about how long it might take to get a cancellation confirmation near a CTA Button would result in higher cancellation requests (the paid service being offered).

The variation contained additional copy translated from German to: "Most of our users receive their cancellation confirmation from <vendor> within 14 days by email or letter."

Test #403 on by Jakub Linowski   Mar 29, 2022 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #42: Countdown Timer In Test #403

In this experiment, an urgency related message with a dynamic countdown timer was added on the final checkout screen. Impact on sales was measured.

Test #399 on by Jakub Linowski   Feb 27, 2022 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #35: Floating Labels In Test #399

In this experiment, top-aligned field labels were tested against floating labels (with labels floating inside the form field itself).

Test #390 on by Melina Hess   Dec 21, 2021 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #106: Back Buttons In Test #390 On

In this experiment, the variation has a "Back To Shopping Cart" link right underneath the checkout button. Impact on sales was measured.

Test #389 on by Keenan Davis   Dec 16, 2021 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Keenan Davis Tested Pattern #1: Remove Coupon Fields In Test #389 On

In this simple experiment, a highly visible coupon field was replaced with a less visible (but clickable) link in the variation. Clicking on the link would show the coupon field. Impact on sales and revenue was measured.

Test #383 on by Jakub Linowski   Nov 11, 2021 Desktop Checkout

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #123: Single Or Double Column Form Fields In Test #383

In this simple [inverted] experiment, the variation organized the form fields into a single column. The control had two columns of form fields.

Test #344 on by Jakub Linowski   Mar 11, 2021 Desktop Checkout

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #108: Frequently Asked Questions In Test #344

Three common delivery questions were answered at the bottom of a checkout page. 

Test #340 on by Jakub Linowski   Feb 25, 2021 Desktop Checkout

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #114: Less Or More Visible Prices In Test #340

In this experiment, the variation added a second total price at the bottom of the checkout screen just above the checkout button. The impact on sales was measured.

Test #320 on by Jakub Linowski   Oct 20, 2020 Desktop Checkout

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #49: Above The Fold Call To Action In Test #320

An extra "Place Order" button was duplicated above the fold on this checkout page. The control had a similar button further down at the bottom of the screen. The impact on total sales was measured from this change.

Test #61 on by Someone   Jun 26, 2020 Desktop Checkout

Someone Tested Pattern #9: Multiple Steps In Test #61

In this experiment, a single screen checkout was turned into a series of smaller steps in variation B. This was achieved by showing fewer fields on the first step, and shifting the remaining ones into a 3 step modal popup. The experiment measured successful transactions (sales).

Test #274 on by Someone   Dec 16, 2019 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Someone Tested Pattern #1: Remove Coupon Fields In Test #274

In this experiment, a fully visible coupon field (A) was made less visible by turning it into a default collaped link (B). Clicking on the link caused the coupon field to appear.

Test #267 on by Stanley Zuo   Nov 05, 2019 Mobile Checkout

Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #99: Progress Bar In Test #267 On

A "Step X of 4" progress bar was tested against a fully visible one that was also clickable.

Test #261 on by Online Dialogue   Sep 20, 2019 Desktop Checkout

Online Dialogue Tested Pattern #111: Field Explanations In Test #261 On

In this experiment on Valk Exclusief's web site, a reason was provided for why the e-mail address is being collected. Google translation of the added text is as follows: "If your e-mail address is not yet known to us, we will ask you to add some missing information. Then you immediately benefit from our benefits such as the ValkLoyal savings program."

Test #232 on by Sjardo Janssen   Mar 15, 2019 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Sjardo Janssen Tested Pattern #6: Customer Star Ratings In Test #232 On

In this experiment, the Yoast team replaced one of the bulleted reassurances on their checkout page ("4.9 out of 5 stars" vs "24/7 Free support"). Raising the question - is free support or high reviews valued more? - Thanks Sjardo & Meike for sharing!

Test #228 on by Jakub Linowski   Mar 05, 2019 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #99: Progress Bar In Test #228

The variation added a progress bar to one of the checkout steps for a ticket ordering site.

Test #202 on by Niels Hapke   Oct 01, 2018 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Niels Hapke Tested Pattern #13: Centered Forms & Buttons In Test #202 On

In this experiment, the form layout was adjusted by shifting the side benefits further down below the form.

Test #176 on by Niels Hapke   May 16, 2018 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Niels Hapke Tested Pattern #4: Testimonials In Test #176 On

In this experiment, testimonials were added on a checkout screen.