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Test #541 on by Andrey Andreev   Jul 10, 2024 Desktop Listing

Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #137: Visible Filters In Test #541 On

In this experiment, some side column filters were made more visible by being automatically expanded. These included: brand, price and country of manufacturing.

Test #540 on by Maksim Meged   Jun 28, 2024 Mobile Listing

Maksim Meged Tested Pattern #136: Earliest Availability In Test #540

In this experiment, the earliest availability dates were displayed underneath product tiles on listing pages. This was a/b tested on a car rental service website. Impact on product adds-to-cart as well as transactions was measured.

Test #535 on by Adan Archila   May 31, 2024 Desktop Listing

Adan Archila Tested Pattern #120: Supporting Theme Images In Test #535 On

In this experiment, a static category theme image at the top of a listing page was tested against the same page but without the extra image. Impact on sales was measured.

Test #532 on by Maksim Meged   May 10, 2024 Mobile Listing

Maksim Meged Tested Pattern #76: Infinite Scrolling Or Pagination In Test #532 On

In this experiment, infinite scrolling was a/b tested against a paginated one.

Test #529 on by Craig Kistler   Apr 29, 2024 Mobile Desktop Listing

Craig Kistler Tested Pattern #55: Conversational Filters In Test #529 On

In this experiment, conversational filters were tested at the top of some listing pages. Instead of showing one set of product filters, customers were shown three sets of product questions. After selecting each answer, product results would narrow and update further down on the page. Impact on adds to cart and sales were measured.

Test #528 on by Adan Archila   Apr 26, 2024 Mobile Listing

Adan Archila Tested Pattern #120: Supporting Theme Images In Test #528 On

In this experiment, the effect of having additional static category themed images was tested on category listing pages. Impact on sales was measured.

Test #524 on by Craig Kistler   Mar 26, 2024 Mobile Listing

Craig Kistler Tested Pattern #79: Single Or Multiple Triggers In Test #524 On

In this experiment, additional (discounted) products were shown at the top of category listing pages with a link to see more such products ("View All Price Drops"). Impact on overall sales was measured.

Test #522 on by Adan Archila   Mar 18, 2024 Desktop Listing

Adan Archila Tested Pattern #37: List Or Grid View In Test #522 On

In this desktop experiment, 4 product tiles per page (control) were tested against 6. Impact on sales was measured.

Test #516 on by Adan Archila   Feb 05, 2024 Mobile Listing

Adan Archila Tested Pattern #37: List Or Grid View In Test #516 On

In this experiment, a one large product photo (control) was tested against a two-column layout with two smaller images (variation). Impact on sales was measured.

Test #514 on by Stanley Zuo   Jan 24, 2024 Desktop Listing

Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #97: Bigger Form Fields In Test #514 On

In this experiment, the click area of job listing tiles was expanded to the size of the full job tile. In the control, the click area was smaller - mostly only the job headline, along with additional "view more" links on the right hand column. Clicking the tile or headline would open up a new job details page in both control and variation. Impact on progression and membership sales was measured.

Test #507 on by Jona Eisenberger   Dec 11, 2023 Mobile Listing

Jona Eisenberger Tested Pattern #133: Product Availability In Test #507 On

In this experiment, product availabiltiy bars were shown on products with low stock. This was shown on listing pages. Impact on adds to cart and sales was measured.

Test #502 on by Jona Eisenberger   Nov 06, 2023 Mobile Listing

Jona Eisenberger Tested Pattern #37: List Or Grid View In Test #502 On

In this experiment, a two column grid layout (control) was tested against single column layout (variation) with the product information shown to the right. Please note that the screenshot shows repeated products only because it's been sourced from a Figma design file. In reality, the products in the variation were equally diverse as in the control. 

(We've also flipped the A and B to match up with our grid pattern.)

Test #475 on by Andrey Andreev   Jun 07, 2023 Desktop Mobile Listing

Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #36: Fewer Or More Results In Test #475 On

Are more (popular) product results better than none at all? In this experiment, popular products were shown during an empty search result. Impact on sales was measured.

Test #460 on by Stanley Zuo   Mar 21, 2023 Mobile Listing

Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #41: Sticky Call To Action In Test #460 On

In this experiment, a floating top navigation was shown with a "Join" button. In the control, the navigation was only visible at the top of the page. Also keep in mind that signup starts were also triggered throughout multiple CTAs throughout the page and from particular job detail pages. The a/b test ran on a listing page of Backstage - a casting call job site. Impact on signups  and checkouts was measured.

Test #459 on by Melina Hess   Feb 28, 2023 Desktop Mobile Listing

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #36: Fewer Or More Results In Test #459 On

In this listing page experiment, color sets of the same product were tested against individual products with unique colors (with additional product tiles). Essentially, the A version here contained fewer product items (with color sets), while the B version contained more results and tiles (with grouped products). Impact on total sales was measured.

(The original control and variation was inverted, but was flipped to match the fewer or more results pattern).

Test #447 on by Vinicius Barros Peixoto   Dec 23, 2022 Mobile Listing

Vinicius Barros Peixoto Tested Pattern #18: Single Or Alternative Buttons In Test #447 On

In this experiment, an additional call to action (Whatsapp link) was added on a listing page of one of Brazil's largest real estate sites.In the variation the 3 calls to action include: a link that launched the phone interaction, a general contact lead form, and finally the Whatsapp link (added in the variant).  Impact on total lead starts and completions was measured.

Test #437 on by Rodrigo Maués   Oct 28, 2022 Desktop Mobile Listing

Rodrigo Maués Tested Pattern #18: Single Or Alternative Buttons In Test #437 On

In this experiment, an additional and alternative text based call to action link was added on real estate properity listings. Instead of only having "Ligar" ("Call"), "Enviar mensagem" was also appended ("Send Message"). This additional link lead to a lead-gen form. 

Test #396 on by Gleb Hodorovskiy   Feb 13, 2022 Desktop Listing

Gleb Hodorovskiy Tested Pattern #124: Confirmed Selection In Test #396 On

In this experiment from, the framing of the registration message was changed from a generic account creation one to a specific image selected by the user. The experiment started on a listing page of a stock photography / illustration site. The control showed a more generic message with benefits for signing up and making the purchase. Whereas the variation repeated the actual image that customers clicked on from listing pages - establishing continuity as well as providing a reason for signing up. Impact on sales was measured.

Test #391 on by Stanley Zuo   Dec 30, 2021 Desktop Mobile Listing

Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #82: Onboarding Callouts In Test #391 On

This experiment added a small nudge or callout to encourage more signups. Attention was directed towards the save function, which lead to the signup flow for anyone not signed it. Impact on signups was measured.

Test #388 on by Jakub Linowski   Dec 09, 2021 Mobile Listing

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #51: Shortcut Buttons In Test #388

In this experiment, extra "buy now" buttons were added on a listing page. These buttons were shortcuts to an add to cart flow, whereas the "learn more" buttons lead customers to product detail pages (visible in both control and variation). Impact on adds-to-cart and sales was measured.