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Test #447 on by Vinicius Barros Peixoto   Dec 23, 2022 Mobile Listing

Vinicius Barros Peixoto Tested Pattern #18: Single Or Alternative Buttons In Test #447 On

In this experiment, an additional call to action (Whatsapp link) was added on a listing page of one of Brazil's largest real estate sites.In the variation the 3 calls to action include: a link that launched the phone interaction, a general contact lead form, and finally the Whatsapp link (added in the variant).  Impact on total lead starts and completions was measured.

Test #437 on by Rodrigo Maués   Oct 28, 2022 Desktop Mobile Listing

Rodrigo Maués Tested Pattern #18: Single Or Alternative Buttons In Test #437 On

In this experiment, an additional and alternative text based call to action link was added on real estate properity listings. Instead of only having "Ligar" ("Call"), "Enviar mensagem" was also appended ("Send Message"). This additional link lead to a lead-gen form. 

Test #396 on by Gleb Hodorovskiy   Feb 13, 2022 Desktop Listing

Gleb Hodorovskiy Tested Pattern #124: Confirmed Selection In Test #396 On

In this experiment from, the framing of the registration message was changed from a generic account creation one to a specific image selected by the user. The experiment started on a listing page of a stock photography / illustration site. The control showed a more generic message with benefits for signing up and making the purchase. Whereas the variation repeated the actual image that customers clicked on from listing pages - establishing continuity as well as providing a reason for signing up. Impact on sales was measured.

Test #391 on by Stanley Zuo   Dec 30, 2021 Desktop Mobile Listing

Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #82: Onboarding Callouts In Test #391 On

This experiment added a small nudge or callout to encourage more signups. Attention was directed towards the save function, which lead to the signup flow for anyone not signed it. Impact on signups was measured.

Test #388 on by Jakub Linowski   Dec 09, 2021 Mobile Listing

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #51: Shortcut Buttons In Test #388

In this experiment, extra "buy now" buttons were added on a listing page. These buttons were shortcuts to an add to cart flow, whereas the "learn more" buttons lead customers to product detail pages (visible in both control and variation). Impact on adds-to-cart and sales was measured.

Test #387 on by Jakub Linowski   Nov 30, 2021 Mobile Listing

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #88: Action Button In Test #387

In this experiment, simple "Learn More" buttons were added underneath each product thumbnail. These buttons were additional triggers that linked to product detail pages on top of the existing thumbnails and product names (that also linked to the PDPs). Impact on product visits and sales was measured.

Test #375 on by Stanley Zuo   Sep 17, 2021 Mobile Listing

Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #32: Condensed List In Test #375 On

Similar to experiment 373, listing descriptions were shortened dynamically using exposable "more" links AND dates/location data was removed. This way, the variation showed shorter listings and therefore more listings per screens. Impact on listing clicks (progression) along with membership starts was measured.

Test #373 on by Stanley Zuo   Sep 06, 2021 Mobile Listing

Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #32: Condensed List In Test #373 On

In this experiment, listing descriptions were shortened dynamically using exposable "more" links. This way, the variation showed shorter listings and therefore more listings per screens. Impact on listing clicks (progression) along with membership starts was measured.

Test #371 on by Jakub Linowski   Aug 18, 2021 Desktop Listing

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #51: Shortcut Buttons In Test #371

In this experiment, the variation added an extra "Buy Now" button that linked directly into the cart process. The variation only had a learn more button linking directly to a product page.

Test #370 on by Julian Gaviria   Aug 16, 2021 Desktop Mobile Listing

Julian Gaviria Tested Pattern #88: Action Button In Test #370 On

This experiment added the simple verb ("play") before the "factory video" label to encourage more video plays. Impact on progression / clicks was measured.

Test #78 on by Andrey Andreev   May 06, 2021 Desktop Mobile Listing

Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #90: Out Of Stock Or In Stock Products In Test #78 On

In this experiment, products which were out of stock were removed from listing pages and replaced with in stock ones (not visible in the screenshot). 

Test #104 on by Rob Draaijer   Mar 31, 2021 Desktop Listing

Rob Draaijer Tested Pattern #15: Bulleted Reassurances In Test #104 On

This experiment attempted to increase the number of leads on a lead-funnel. As the first step, users were being asked to upload a file. The control showed the file types that were allowed, whereas the variation changed the copy to show a number of benefits for taking that action. The text-based benefits included the: receiving feedback, prices and lead times.

Test #342 on by Stanley Zuo   Feb 28, 2021 Desktop Mobile Listing

Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #25: Nagging Results In Test #342 On

In this experiment, a registration wall was added on a listing page of casting call profiles. The registration wall appeared after the first 9 listings or so and encouraged users to sign up. Impact on registrations was measured, along with an engagement metric of "posting a job".

Test #336 on by Stanley Zuo   Jan 28, 2021 Desktop Mobile Listing

Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #51: Shortcut Buttons In Test #336 On

In this experiment, a listing page was expanded to show two actions (apply and view details) instead of a single one (view details only). This variation enabled users with a shortcut action to apply for roles one step earlier (and start membership flows for new users). 

Test #337 on by Stanley Zuo   Jan 28, 2021 Desktop Mobile Listing

Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #51: Shortcut Buttons In Test #337 On

In this experiment, a listing page was expanded to show two actions (apply and view details) instead of a single one (view details only). In the variant, the "view detail" links were replaced with "apply links" starting a job application (and membership flows) sooner. 

Test #98 on by Rob Draaijer   Nov 30, 2020 Desktop Mobile Listing

Rob Draaijer Tested Pattern #24: Visible Availability In Test #98 On

In this experiment, the variation showed a listing's owner online status as a badge, instead of showing their average "response time". More specifically, an "Online Now" badge was shown beside individual listings of a 3D printing marketplace site. The experiment measured completed quote / lead requests (a few steps further).

Test #310 on by Stanley Zuo   Jul 25, 2020 Mobile Listing

Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #77: Filled Or Ghost Buttons In Test #310 On

In this experiment, the style of a button leading to view detailed casting calls on a listing page was changed. In version the style was a filled high contrast blue background, and the the B variation there was a feint "ghost button" style. 

Test #309 on by Julian Gaviria   Jul 24, 2020 Desktop Listing

Julian Gaviria Tested Pattern #72: Priming Step In Test #309 On

In this experiment, an extra step was prepended at the beginning of a multiple step signup modal flow. The signup modal would appear on listing pages after requests to contact a listed company. The idea was to prime users with benefits of signing up in order to increase their motivation to do so. The experiment measured the impact on the initial progression (to the step with the email form).

Test #299 on by Stanley Zuo   May 22, 2020 Desktop Mobile Listing

Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #60: Repeated Bottom Call To Action In Test #299 On

In this experiment, at the bottom of a search results screen, a membership join button was added along with 3 encouraging reasons. The experiment measured membership funnel starts, as well as paid membership transactions (sales).

Test #298 on by Vinicius Barros Peixoto   May 14, 2020 Desktop Mobile Listing

Vinicius Barros Peixoto Tested Pattern #36: Fewer Or More Results In Test #298 On

In this experiment on a listing page, the search was expanded to show more listings (variation B). Conditionally, if there were fewer than 36 results, set basic filters such as number bedrooms and bathrooms were expanded and appended to the results. Hence if someone chose 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms in variation A, they would only see listing with that filter. In variation B however they would first see the filtered results, and later they would also see results with 3 or more of each.