Pattern #15: Bulleted Reassurances

Pattern #15  Tested 16 timesFirst tested by Martin Wong Recently tested by Clemens Grave on Sep 19, 2024

Based on 16 Tests, Members See How Likely Version B Wins Or Loses And By How Much


Measured by the sum of negative and positive tests.

Bulleted Reassurances (Variant A) Bulleted Reassurances (Variant B)

Expected Median Effects Of B



(8 tests)



(3 tests)



(1 tests)





(10 tests)



(3 tests)







(16 tests)


Pattern #15: Bulleted Reassurances
Was Tested by Melina Hess



Test # 465 Apr 22, 2023 Test link

Find Out How It Did

  • Measured by Revenue Per User

In this product detail page experiment, a number of reassurances were brought out visually in a lined or bulleted way. The 4 reassurances included: free shipping and returns; Made in Germany, 90 Day Returns; and Buy With Invoice (popular in Germany). Impact on revenue per user was measured. The control contained very feint copy (smaller and more subtle) about free shipping.

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The Same Pattern Was Also Tested Here



Test # 552 on by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Clemens Grave    Sep 19, 2024 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 432,567 Visitors

  • Measured by visit next step

  • Measured by added details

In this experiment, existing reassurance copy was changed. The control contained copy that focused on splitting payments and paying over time. The variation challenged this and showed a best price guarantee and the ability to earn credits. 

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Test # 513 on by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Jona Eisenberger    Jan 23, 2024 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 69,221 Visitors

  • Measured by adds to cart (once)

  • Measured by completed orders

In this experiment of a floor cleaning product, a reassurance about product uses was appended to two cleaning agent upsells. In the control users saw the 2 standard upsells for laminate and tiles. And in the variation the copy "Right for me. 100x Cleanings" (uses) was appended. 

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Test # 481 on by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Stanley Zuo    Jul 14, 2023 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 5,616 Visitors

  • Measured by next step visits

  • Measured by completed purchases

In this experiment, selling points and benefits of a subscription were placed as bullets at the top of a checkout page. The benefits highlighted things such as: unlimited applications, access to vetted jobs and the ability to cancel anytime. Impact on sales was measured.

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Test # 479 on by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Daria Kurchinskaia    Jun 15, 2023 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 104,863 Visitors

  • Measured by total revenue

  • Measured by completed purchases

In this experiment, a list of benefits were shown for each of the 3 plans on the last step of a contract cancelation service. Benefit items not included in the lower plans were also shown with grayed out styles (and an "x"). Clearly the higher paid plan had all the benefits listed. Impact on transactions was measured. 

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Test # 480 on by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Daria Kurchinskaia    Jun 15, 2023 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 104,902 Visitors

  • Measured by total revenue

  • Measured by completed purchases

In this experiment, a list of benefits were shown for each of the 3 plans on the last step of a contract cancelation service. The lowest plan only had one benefit, whereas the highest plan had 3. Impact on transactions was measured. 

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Test # 461 on by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Melina Hess    Mar 23, 2023 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 522,417 Visitors

  • Measured by completed transactions

In this product detail page experiment, reassurances under the add-to-cart button were rearranged. The control contained copy about: free shipping and free returns formatted as two gray boxes, with a variety of payment methods and their corresponding logos underneath.

The variation used a more convention bulleted, line-by-line format. It also contained free shipping and returns, but also elaborated with "100 day returns", an "anti-hole guarantee", and "purchase with invoice" (perhaps more popular in Germany?). Impact on sales was measured.

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Test # 412 on by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Frederik Fröhle    May 16, 2022 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 53,120 Visitors

  • Measured by successful cancellations

The Volders experimentation team assumed that adding information about how long it might take to get a cancellation confirmation near a CTA Button would result in higher cancellation requests (the paid service being offered).

The variation contained additional copy translated from German to: "Most of our users receive their cancellation confirmation from <vendor> within 14 days by email or letter."

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Test # 376 on by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Samuel Hess    Sep 29, 2021 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 136,126 Visitors

  • Measured by adds to cart

  • Measured by completed transactions

In this experiment, a series of reassurances were added just below the add to cart button. These included: "free shipping", "free returns" and an "anti-hole guarantee". The test ran on the product page of an socks ecommerce company. Impact on sales was measured.

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Test # 104 on by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Rob Draaijer    Mar 31, 2021 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 50,698 Visitors

  • Measured by placed quotes

This experiment attempted to increase the number of leads on a lead-funnel. As the first step, users were being asked to upload a file. The control showed the file types that were allowed, whereas the variation changed the copy to show a number of benefits for taking that action. The text-based benefits included the: receiving feedback, prices and lead times.

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Test # 152 on by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Nicholas Evans    Feb 13, 2018 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 487,851 Visitors

  • Measured by offers started

  • Measured by sales from offers & direct buys

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Test # 106 on by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Martin Wong    May 23, 2017 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 10,576 Visitors

  • Measured by checkout page visits

  • Measured by total sales

Three reassurances were added underneath each purchase button: Lifetime Updates, Works On All Devices and Money-Back Guarantee.

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Test # 95 on by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Rodrigo Maués    May 01, 2017 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 20,832 Visitors

  • Measured by successful form submits

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Test # 87 on by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Rodrigo Maués    Mar 01, 2017 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 102,305 Visitors

  • Measured by form submits

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Test # 79 by $conducted_test->test->user_->first_name . ' ' . $conducted_test->test->user_->last_name Chris Goward    Jan 10, 2017 Test link

Find Out How It Did With 11,006 Visitors

  • Measured by with total adds to cart

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Leak #93 from   |   May 16, 2023 Product

Walmart A/B Tests Shipping Choices Vs Shipping Reassurances

Walmart recently ran an a/b test on their product detail pages that showed shipping information in two different styles. On one hand (here shown as A) shipping options were shown as a button choice. Whereas in the variation, all shipping information was fully expanded and readable bullets. View Leak

+0.5 Evidence

For each pattern, we measure three key data points derived from related tests:

REPEATABILITY - this is a measure of how often a given pattern has generated a positive or negative effect. The higher this number, the more likely the pattern will continue to repeat.

SHALLOW MEDIAN - this is a median effect measured with low intent actions such as initiating the first step of a lengthier process

DEEP MEDIAN - this is derived from the highest intent metrics that we have for a given test such as fully completed signups or sales.