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Test #539 on by Melina Hess   Jun 24, 2024 Desktop Global

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #135: Product Categories In Test #539 On

In this experiment, two different navigation defaults were tested against each other. In one version we can see 1) more popular products with 2) more categorical granularity being shown in the expanded state. In the other version we see "new products" being shown as the default (with a lot fewer product subcategories) to choose from.

Test #534 on by Andrey Andreev   May 28, 2024 Desktop Global

Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #82: Onboarding Callouts In Test #534 On

In this site wide experiment, logged out customers were directed to sign in with the help of a top navigation callout. The experiment was triggered for anyone who saw the callout message. After signing in, the user would 1) remain on the same screen they were on and 2) the top header slightly changed to show a logged in state (with their orders, favorites and active username). Impact on successful logins and overall purchases was measured.

Test #533 on by Jakub Linowski   May 23, 2024 Desktop Global

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #94: Visible Search In Test #533

In this experiment, the presence of a search bar was tested against no search bar altogether. The control had search, and in the variation it was removed. The variation also exposed items from within the "Need Help?" menu, making "My account", "Contact Us" and "FAQ" more prominent.

(Here the AB test is inverted / flipped to match the pattern). 

Test #526 on by Andrey Andreev   Apr 17, 2024 Desktop Mobile Global

Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #77: Filled Or Ghost Buttons In Test #526 On

In this experiment, a feint gray background search bar was replaced with a higher contrast one containing a blue border and a filled blue color button style.  Impact on searches and purchases was measured. (Inverted to fit the Filled-vs-ghost button pattern).

Test #478 on by José Álvarez   Jun 14, 2023 Mobile Global

José Álvarez Tested Pattern #130: Visible Or Hidden Offer Pages In Test #478 On

In this experiment, an offers page was shifted all the way down inside an expanded mobile navigation. The control showed it at the very top. The variation showed it at the bottom. (Note that  the screen shot shows an already scrolled navigation - in the initial view, users would not be able to see the discount page right away, as it required some scrolling). Impact on overall sales was measured.

Test #432 on by Melina Hess   Sep 29, 2022 Mobile Global

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #94: Visible Search In Test #432 On

In this experiment, search functionality was added in the variation, globally on mobile. Impact on sales was measured

Test #352 on by John Hickey   May 11, 2021 Desktop Global

John Hickey Tested Pattern #123: Single Or Double Column Form Fields In Test #352 On

In this experiment, single column (longer) form fields were tested against a two column layout (more compact).

Test #349 on by Stanley Zuo   Apr 27, 2021 Mobile Global

Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #49: Above The Fold Call To Action In Test #349 On

In this experiment, a simple "Join Now" button was added inside an expanded mobile navigation menu. Clicking the button would start a multiple step membership subscription process. Impact on subscription starts and final sales were tracked.

Test #334 on by Kyle Phillips   Jan 25, 2021 Desktop Mobile Global

Kyle Phillips Tested Pattern #2: Icon Labels In Test #334 On

This experiment measured the impact of adding text labels to three icon-only nav items. 

Test #325 on by Samuel Hess   Nov 24, 2020 Desktop Global

Samuel Hess Tested Pattern #45: Benefit Bar In Test #325 On

In this experiment, a set of reassurances and reviews were added in the header of this ecommerce website. Translating from German, these read: "Anti Hole Guarantee", "Free Shipping" and "X Ratings out of Y Reviews".

Test #303 on by Julian Gaviria   Jun 26, 2020 Desktop Mobile Global

Julian Gaviria Tested Pattern #14: Exposed Menu Options In Test #303 On

In this experiment variation, the saved suppliers feature was surfaced in the global navigation.It was already possible to save supplier companies from listing and specific company pages. This experiment aimed to increase the saving functions visibility and possibly increase more leads. 

Test #283 on by Niels Hapke   Feb 08, 2020 Desktop Mobile Global

Niels Hapke Tested Pattern #42: Countdown Timer In Test #283 On

In this experiment, registered trial users were shown a 65 minute counter on multiple pages (dashboard, listing, quiz, articles) encouraging them to get a full subscription and study all content. Both A and B experiences offered the same limited content for trial users. After the 65 minutes came to an end, the B variation showed an additional "Go Premium" button on all pages, but continued to offer the same limited content.

Test #264 on by Niels Hapke   Oct 05, 2019 Desktop Mobile Global

Niels Hapke Tested Pattern #41: Sticky Call To Action In Test #264 On

In this experiment users saw a sticky bar advertising the benefits of a Premium account across the bottom of the website, wherever they navigate. The sticky call to action appeared with a 4 second delay and was floating.

Test #211 on Skype App by Ronny Kohavi   Nov 20, 2018 Mobile Global

Ronny Kohavi Tested Pattern #2: Icon Labels In Test #211

Microsoft Skype ran an experiment for the mobile segment of the Skype application with a treatment having combined icons with corresponding labels. The control only showed icons.

Test #204 on by Niels Hapke   Oct 11, 2018 Desktop Mobile Global

Niels Hapke Tested Pattern #85: Benefit Button In Test #204 On

In the variation, the "Help" section was reworded to "How to study".

Test #203 on by Andrei Zakhareuski   Oct 10, 2018 Desktop Global

Andrei Zakhareuski Tested Pattern #85: Benefit Button In Test #203 On

In the variation, the button label "Upgrade To Premium" was changed to one with a clearer benefit of "Pass The First Time".

Test #190 on by Peep Laja   Jul 26, 2018 Mobile Global

Peep Laja Tested Pattern #2: Icon Labels In Test #190 On

This test has explored numerous hamburger menu variations and has been covered in detail over at - Thanks Peep Laja for sharing. Here we reported on a consistent increase in both menu clicks and sales.