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Test #274 on by Someone   Dec 16, 2019 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Someone Tested Pattern #1: Remove Coupon Fields In Test #274

In this experiment, a fully visible coupon field (A) was made less visible by turning it into a default collaped link (B). Clicking on the link caused the coupon field to appear.

Test #269 on by Julian Gaviria   Nov 15, 2019 Desktop Home & Landing

Julian Gaviria Tested Pattern #14: Exposed Menu Options In Test #269 On

In this experiment, the variation exposed 6 of the options from the pulldown menu as tabs.

Test #258 on by Julian Gaviria   Sep 12, 2019 Desktop Mobile Signup

Julian Gaviria Tested Pattern #110: Optional Field Labels In Test #258 On

In this variation an optional field label was added.

Test #257 on by Julian Gaviria   Sep 09, 2019 Desktop Mobile Signup

Julian Gaviria Tested Pattern #109: Required Field Labels In Test #257 On

In this followup experiment, field labels without and with a marked asterisk were tested.

Test #256 on by Alex James   Aug 23, 2019 Desktop Mobile Signup

Alex James Tested Pattern #109: Required Field Labels In Test #256

The original had no fields marked as required. The variant had all fields marked as required with an asterisk (and a reference note).

Test #255 on by Julian Gaviria   Aug 22, 2019 Desktop Mobile Signup

Julian Gaviria Tested Pattern #109: Required Field Labels In Test #255 On

In this experiment, field labels without and with a marked asterisk were tested.

Test #39 on by Tael Pinault   Jul 02, 2019 Desktop Signup

Tael Pinault Tested Pattern #83: Progressive Fields In Test #39 On

This test explored a progressive disclosure interaction in variation B. When a user started typing text into the first field, two more fields expanded into view.

Test #236 on by Alex James   Apr 04, 2019 Desktop Signup

Alex James Tested Pattern #9: Multiple Steps In Test #236

In this experiment a single screen signup process was broken into 2 separate steps: account creation & details.

Test #233 on by Ondřej Ilinčev   Apr 01, 2019 Desktop Signup

Ondřej Ilinčev Tested Pattern #100: Postponed Registration In Test #233 On

In this experiment, the old flow had a login / register / guest checkout as a second step. The variant B flow removed this step and treated everyone as a guest (and later offered to login / register). In the B version guests had a voluntary registration on the thank you page and in a confirmation email. 


Test #224 on by Alex James   Feb 11, 2019 Desktop Home & Landing

Alex James Tested Pattern #3: Fewer Form Fields In Test #224

This experiment reduced the search form by removing the distance field.

Test #145 on by Nathon Raine   Jan 18, 2018 Desktop Checkout

Nathon Raine Tested Pattern #1: Remove Coupon Fields In Test #145 On

In this test the coupon field was replaced with a small link that would bring the field back if needed. This is a more suble approach than just completely removing the coupon field. It still allows for the use of coupon fields by those customers which are truly searching for a way to enter their aquired codes.