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Test #314 on by Vinicius Barros Peixoto   Aug 21, 2020 Desktop Mobile Product

Vinicius Barros Peixoto Tested Pattern #43: Long Titles In Test #314 On

In this experiment, a dynamic page title was generated and added at the top of the screen. The first few words from a property description were used to dynamically generate these titles. The effect on leads was measured.

Test #313 on by Daniel Shapiro   Aug 19, 2020 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Daniel Shapiro Tested Pattern #11: Gradual Reassurance In Test #313 On

In this experiment, instead of showing a single-focused lead form (for the UX Academy Program), users were asked to express a wider set of choices first (for the UX Academy or shortter set of skill-based courses). The experiment measured overall leads for both types of programs.

Test #303 on by Julian Gaviria   Jun 26, 2020 Desktop Mobile Global

Julian Gaviria Tested Pattern #14: Exposed Menu Options In Test #303 On

In this experiment variation, the saved suppliers feature was surfaced in the global navigation.It was already possible to save supplier companies from listing and specific company pages. This experiment aimed to increase the saving functions visibility and possibly increase more leads. 

Test #301 on by Vinicius Barros Peixoto   May 31, 2020 Desktop Mobile Product

Vinicius Barros Peixoto Tested Pattern #21: What It's Worth In Test #301 On

In this experiment, the B variation property prices were framed using higher and crossed out price points from 12 months ago - achieving a relative discount. A tooltip was also shown which explained the higher price point on hover. The example in the screenshot translates to "2% less compared to 12 months ago". This high-power experiment measured the number of leads that were generated on property (product) screens.

Test #298 on by Vinicius Barros Peixoto   May 14, 2020 Desktop Mobile Listing

Vinicius Barros Peixoto Tested Pattern #36: Fewer Or More Results In Test #298 On

In this experiment on a listing page, the search was expanded to show more listings (variation B). Conditionally, if there were fewer than 36 results, set basic filters such as number bedrooms and bathrooms were expanded and appended to the results. Hence if someone chose 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms in variation A, they would only see listing with that filter. In variation B however they would first see the filtered results, and later they would also see results with 3 or more of each. 

Test #284 on by Julian Gaviria   Feb 19, 2020 Desktop Mobile Listing

Julian Gaviria Tested Pattern #78: Tags, Badges And Structured Information In Test #284 On

In this experiment, structured data tags were displayed on a listing page to help potential buyers make better decisions. The additional information about the listed companies included: annual revenue, employee count, and year of establishment.

Test #282 on by Julian Gaviria   Feb 07, 2020 Desktop Mobile Listing

Julian Gaviria Tested Pattern #51: Shortcut Buttons In Test #282 On

In this experiment, a contact button was added to a listing / search results page to make it faster to contact a company. This same button was also visible on the company detail page.

Test #262 on by Julian Gaviria   Oct 03, 2019 Desktop Mobile Listing

Julian Gaviria Tested Pattern #32: Condensed List In Test #262 On

In this experiment, the B version condensed the company listings. This was done by showing less of the description and introducing a "more" and "less" dynamic links that would expand and collapse the description.

Test #249 on by Optimizely   Jul 17, 2019 Desktop Product

Optimizely Tested Pattern #20: Canned Response In Test #249 On

AutoScout24 is Europe’s largest online marketplace for new and used cars. As published by Optimizely, they tested a form pre-filled with text that read: ‘Hello. I am interested in your vehicle. Please contact me. Kind regards.’ 

Test #244 on by Vito Mediavilla   Jun 06, 2019 Desktop Product

Vito Mediavilla Tested Pattern #49: Above The Fold Call To Action In Test #244 On

A product landing page with an image was tested against one without - raising the call to action above the fold.

Test #235 on by Julian Gaviria   Apr 02, 2019 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Julian Gaviria Tested Pattern #102: Expanded Or Condensed Layout In Test #235 On

In this experiment, the layout was condensed from a taller to a shorter one.

Test #234 on by Alex James   Apr 01, 2019 Desktop Listing

Alex James Tested Pattern #101: Search Keyword Highlighting In Test #234

In this experiment, a different style for keyword highlighting was used.

Test #227 on by Alexander Krieger   Mar 04, 2019 Desktop Signup

Alexander Krieger Tested Pattern #99: Progress Bar In Test #227 On

In this experiment, a simple progress bar was added to a 2nd step of contract cancellation funnel. The progress bar used separate styles to show which steps were completed, what the current step was, as well as the future step.

Translation of the 3 steps from German are as follows:

  1. Fill out the termination
  2. Send termination
  3. Proof of termination

Test #222 on by Julian Gaviria   Feb 01, 2019 Desktop Listing

Julian Gaviria Tested Pattern #7: Social Counts In Test #222 On

In this variation, a number of social proof references were added to a signup modal.

Test #223 on by Alexander Krieger   Feb 01, 2019 Desktop Mobile Signup

Alexander Krieger Tested Pattern #12: Payment First In Test #223 On

This test deprioritized the free option (kostenlos) of cancelling a contract. It did so by placing it under the paid options as small text link / radio option.

Test #220 on by Alex James   Jan 18, 2019 Desktop Listing

Alex James Tested Pattern #34: Open In A New Tab In Test #220

This experiment measured the effect of opening new listing (job applications) in a new tab, against opening them in the same window. The experiment A-B was inversed to match the pattern (in reality, the original already opened the tabs in a new window).

Test #215 on by Vinicius Barros Peixoto   Dec 21, 2018 Mobile Listing

Vinicius Barros Peixoto Tested Pattern #92: Already Viewed Label In Test #215 On

The idea of this test was to add a "Viewed" label on a listing page to indicate listings which have already been viewed by users.

Test #212 on by Vito Mediavilla   Dec 04, 2018 Desktop Mobile Product

Vito Mediavilla Tested Pattern #60: Repeated Bottom Call To Action In Test #212 On

In this experiment, a call to action was repeated at the bottom of the product page. Additional certification icons were also added for additional reassurance.