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Test #564 on by Louis Alston Nov 26, 2024 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing
Louis Alston Tested Pattern #114: Less Or More Visible Prices In Test #564 On
In this a/b test, the headline was changed to reflect pricing information (informing that trades are starting at $3). Impact on progression and signups was measured.
Test #560 on by Daria Kurchinskaia Oct 22, 2024 Mobile Desktop Checkout
Daria Kurchinskaia Tested Pattern #46: Pay Later In Test #560 On
The idea of this experiment was at least two fold. 1) the variation attempted to clarify that there is no payment today with the copy "Pay 0€ today" on the collapsed state of the payment amount. 2) clarify the payment terms with exact dates and amounts for future payments.
Test #546 on by Maksim Meged Aug 01, 2024 Desktop Signup
Maksim Meged Tested Pattern #129: Right Or Left Aligned Forms In Test #546 On
In this signup flow experiment, form fields on the right hand side (control) were shifted to the left column (variation). Impact on account creations and checkouts was measured.
Test #532 on by Maksim Meged May 10, 2024 Mobile Listing
Maksim Meged Tested Pattern #76: Infinite Scrolling Or Pagination In Test #532 On
In this experiment, infinite scrolling was a/b tested against a paginated one.
Test #530 on by Stanley Zuo Apr 30, 2024 Desktop Mobile
Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #28: Easiest Fields First In Test #530 On
In this experiment, the order of two signup pages was tested: plan selection vs account creation. Here we have the account creation step first in the control and the the plan selection step first in the variation. (I flipped these around to match the pattern). Impact on signups was measured.
Test #492 on by Alexander Krieger Sep 15, 2023 Mobile Signup
Alexander Krieger Tested Pattern #131: Authority In Test #492 On
This experiment was a retest of a previously tested test 491. Simiarly, a photo of the real doctor behind a skin care product was shown throughout a signup / questionnaire flow in the variation.
Test #491 on by Alexander Krieger Sep 08, 2023 Mobile Signup
Alexander Krieger Tested Pattern #131: Authority In Test #491 On
In this experiment, a photo of the real doctor behind a skin care product was shown throughout a signup / questionnaire flow. In the control version, the photo with introduction was only shown on the first screen. In the variation, the photo appeared on the first and all other screens - reinforcing expertise, authority and the idea of a consultation. Impact on signups and purchases was measured.
Test #487 on by Stanley Zuo Aug 10, 2023 Mobile Pricing
Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #78: Tags, Badges And Structured Information In Test #487 On
In this experiment, a "save 50%" badge was replaced with a "most popular" one with the intent of encouraging more users to select the higher priced plan. Impact on total and annual trial starts was measured.
Test #474 on by Mike Smith May 27, 2023 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing
Mike Smith Tested Pattern #4: Testimonials In Test #474 On
In this experiment, 9 Twitter card style testimonials were appended onto the homepage of Rollbar. These were image / screenshots recreations without links to the actual tweets.
Test #460 on by Stanley Zuo Mar 21, 2023 Mobile Listing
Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #41: Sticky Call To Action In Test #460 On
In this experiment, a floating top navigation was shown with a "Join" button. In the control, the navigation was only visible at the top of the page. Also keep in mind that signup starts were also triggered throughout multiple CTAs throughout the page and from particular job detail pages. The a/b test ran on a listing page of Backstage - a casting call job site. Impact on signups and checkouts was measured.
Test #440 on by Alexander Krieger Nov 17, 2022 Mobile Signup
Alexander Krieger Tested Pattern #49: Above The Fold Call To Action In Test #440 On
In this experiment, the call to action or button was raised above the legal text to be visible right away without scrolling. Additionally a error message was added for users that did not activate the checkbox to remind them that this is mandatory. Impact on signups and eventual follow-through to purchases (3 steps later) was measured.
Test #434 on by Stanley Zuo Sep 30, 2022 Mobile Signup
Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #66: Complementary Upsell In Test #434 On
In this experiment, an upsell modal appeared during a signup funnel. In the variation, if users did not select a monthly plan, they were nudged to an annual one. Impact on overall and annual signups was measured.
Test #420 on by Daniel Shapiro Jul 12, 2022 Desktop Mobile Product
Daniel Shapiro Tested Pattern #115: Pricing Comparison Table In Test #420 On
In this experiment, pricing plans were laid out horizontally for easier comparison. In the variation, most of the plan benefits, features and differences were also referenced using a single lable that was left-aligned. The idea was to make the variables aligned and therefore more comparable.
This pricing table appeared at the bottom of a long design program landing page. Impact on leads and applications was measured.
Test #417 on by Ognjen Bošković Jun 27, 2022 Desktop Mobile Signup
Ognjen Bošković Tested Pattern #127: Vague Or Specific Benefits In Test #417 On
CXL ran an interesting experiment that (1) added more specificity on a newsletter subscription page as well as (2) reinforced it consistently. Most visibly, an abstract or vague headline statement (control) was changed to a benefit oriented one - hinting that subscribers will eventually receive valuable case studies. This message was further reinforced with supporting copy that explained where these case studies are obtained from along with the frequency of the delivery. This same message was also reinforced with an image of actual case studies. The call to action button was also adjusted to mimic the benefit.
Impact on newsletter signups was measured.
Test #415 on by Stanley Zuo Jun 09, 2022 Mobile Checkout
Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #3: Fewer Form Fields In Test #415 On
Do fewer confirmation form fields matter? In this experiment, redundant password and email confirmation fields were removed during a signup / checkout funnel. Impact on signups was measured.
Test #401 on by Stanley Zuo Mar 11, 2022 Desktop Home & Landing
Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #58: Full Height False Bottom In Test #401 On
Here the experiment contained a layout change. Standard content components with varied heights were tested against sections with false bottoms. That is the conntent blocks in the variation took up 100% height of the viewport. This change was also applied throughout the rest of the content blocks. Impact on overall signup rates was measured.
Test #396 on by Gleb Hodorovskiy Feb 13, 2022 Desktop Listing
Gleb Hodorovskiy Tested Pattern #124: Confirmed Selection In Test #396 On
In this experiment from, the framing of the registration message was changed from a generic account creation one to a specific image selected by the user. The experiment started on a listing page of a stock photography / illustration site. The control showed a more generic message with benefits for signing up and making the purchase. Whereas the variation repeated the actual image that customers clicked on from listing pages - establishing continuity as well as providing a reason for signing up. Impact on sales was measured.
Test #391 on by Stanley Zuo Dec 30, 2021 Desktop Mobile Listing
Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #82: Onboarding Callouts In Test #391 On
This experiment added a small nudge or callout to encourage more signups. Attention was directed towards the save function, which lead to the signup flow for anyone not signed it. Impact on signups was measured.
Test #357 on by Brian Sierakowski Jun 02, 2021 Desktop Mobile Pricing
Brian Sierakowski Tested Pattern #113: More Or Fewer Plans In Test #357 On
In this experiment, a single focus signup was transformed into a pricing comparison table. Impact on signups was measured.
Test #353 on by Stanley Zuo May 12, 2021 Desktop Product
Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #13: Centered Forms & Buttons In Test #353 On
This experiment challanged a right aligned detail page. After clicking a result of a job role on a listing page, an overlay would appear on the right with the details. The variation used a full width screen instead - effectively centering the page.