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Test #139 on by Martin Wong   Jan 04, 2018 Desktop Pricing

Martin Wong Tested Pattern #51: Shortcut Buttons In Test #139 On

In this test an additional "Purchase" button was shown along side a "Learn More" button. The "Purchase" button went straight to checkout, whereas the "Learn More" button went to a product overview page.

Test #134 on by Niels Hapke   Dec 14, 2017 Desktop Product

Niels Hapke Tested Pattern #41: Sticky Call To Action In Test #134 On

In this beautiful test, the key change was the introduction of a larger call to action linking to a premium / upgrade screen. The call to action was placed on the left sidebar which was floating. This is a great example of providing visibility to important elements by making them persistent.

Test #132 on by Phillip Barnes   Dec 12, 2017 Mobile Home & Landing

Phillip Barnes Tested Pattern #41: Sticky Call To Action In Test #132 On

In this test, a footer with a button to a lead form was turned into a floating one.

Test #18 on by James Foster   Jul 01, 2016 Mobile Home & Landing

James Foster Tested Pattern #2: Icon Labels In Test #18 On

This is a retest of Test017 with a lengthier testing duration.

Test #4 on by Oskar Zabik   Dec 03, 2014 Mobile Desktop Product

Oskar Zabik Tested Pattern #54: Buy Now Or Smaller Commitment Button In Test #4

A simple experiment with a button label change - comparing "buy now" vs potentially easier "contact this seller now" buttons. This test ran on a marketplace product detail page with the intention of generating leads.