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Test #64 on by Jakub Linowski   Jan 01, 2017 Desktop Home & Landing

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #41: Sticky Call To Action In Test #64 On

In this experiment, we showed a sticky navigation bar with 5 actions such as (newsletter signup, and visiting certain landing pages). Upon completion of each task, the navigation would transform into a completed state while using cookies to store it for future reference.

Test #91 on by Rob Draaijer   Jan 01, 2017 Desktop Listing

Rob Draaijer Tested Pattern #9: Multiple Steps In Test #91 On

In this experiment, a long form with multiple steps was broken down into a progressive interaction form. In the B variant, as users would complete particular steps, new ones would be communicated subtly and finally come into full view.

Test #12 on by Nicole Morris   Dec 01, 2015 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Nicole Morris Tested Pattern #29: Surfaced Content In Test #12 On

In the B variation, 3 blog posts were referenced at the bottom of the homepage. Each of the blog post articles also contained strong copy to present the problem the service was helping customers with (porn addition) - along with clear calls to start a subscription (the primary metric).