All Latest 539 A/B Tests
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Test #547 on by Katharina Lay Aug 12, 2024 Mobile Signup
Katharina Lay Tested Pattern #6: Customer Star Ratings In Test #547 On
In this 4 step signup funnel experiment, social proof and customer reviews were appended at the bottom of the screen. Impact on conversions was measured.
Test #523 on by Pascal Dietz Mar 21, 2024 Mobile Product
Pascal Dietz Tested Pattern #131: Authority In Test #523 On
In this experiment, a photo of a doctor (who researched and created the a cleanising juice - the product) was appended after the add to cart button. The copy is translated as follows from "Von der promovierten Ernährungswissenschaftlerin Dr. Ulrike Fisher auf wissenschaftlicher Basis entwickelt." [German] -> "Developed by doctoral nutritionist Dr. Ulrike Fisher with a scientific basis." Impact on sales was measured.
Test #506 on by Jakub Linowski Dec 07, 2023 Desktop Mobile Product
Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #4: Testimonials In Test #506
In this experiments, reinforcing section tiles were replaced with additional customer testimonials. Impact on adds to cart and sales was measured.
Test #500 on by Craig Kistler Oct 25, 2023 Mobile Product
Craig Kistler Tested Pattern #7: Social Counts In Test #500 On
This was a replication attempt similar to experiment 497. A social proof message was added below add to cart buttons on product detail pages. Impact on adds to cart and transactions was measured.
Test #498 on by Jakub Linowski Oct 19, 2023 Desktop Mobile Product
Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #7: Social Counts In Test #498
In this experiment, the variation tracked how many people would add something to cart over the last 24 hours and display that just below the add to cart button. Impact on adds to cart and transactions was measured.
Test #497 on by Craig Kistler Oct 16, 2023 Mobile Product
Craig Kistler Tested Pattern #7: Social Counts In Test #497 On
In this experiment, a social proof message was added below add to cart buttons on product detail pages. The copy read "Hurry, X people have viewed this product". Impact on adds to cart and transactions was measured.
Test #474 on by Mike Smith May 27, 2023 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing
Mike Smith Tested Pattern #4: Testimonials In Test #474 On
In this experiment, 9 Twitter card style testimonials were appended onto the homepage of Rollbar. These were image / screenshots recreations without links to the actual tweets.
Test #473 on by Jakub Linowski May 26, 2023 Desktop Home & Landing
Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #19: Benefit Testimonials In Test #473
In this experiment, very short form testimonials (with a reference to over 3 million customers) were replaced with 3 more elaborate ones. These elaborate or benefit testimonials contained: highlighted statements, star reviews, emphasized location, tag summaries and photos of the purchased product. The control also contained a 3 testimonial carousel interaction.
This test appeared at the bottom of a longer homepage with additional product listings above.
Test #471 on by Ardit Veliu May 25, 2023 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing
Ardit Veliu Tested Pattern #48: Video Testimonials In Test #471 On
In this experiment, a video testimonial was added mid page onto a signup / lead form page.
Test #472 on by Ardit Veliu May 25, 2023 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing
Ardit Veliu Tested Pattern #48: Video Testimonials In Test #472 On
In this experiment, three video testimonials were added mid page onto a signup / lead form page.
Test #468 on by Lars Skjold Iversen Apr 28, 2023 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing
Lars Skjold Iversen Tested Pattern #6: Customer Star Ratings In Test #468 On
In this homepage experiment a number of changes were introduced - with perhaps the most prominent one being the replacement of a video component with customer review badges. Additional copy changes included reinforcement of the latest version number (v11) throughout the page, as well as a dedicated (v11) section in the middle of the page. Impact on demo signups was measured.
Test #466 on by Daria Kurchinskaia Apr 26, 2023 Desktop Signup
Daria Kurchinskaia Tested Pattern #4: Testimonials In Test #466 On
In this experiment, a social proof popups were added to the signup / funnel pages for a contract cancellation service. The added social testimonials appeared as other customers used the service, anywhere except on the final checkout page. Additionaly, the interval at which these messaged appeared was 60 seconds, and they were shown for 10s. The messages translated to "[Name] had recently canncelled a contract with [Company], in the last 38 minutes". Impact on sales was measured.
Test #464 on by Ardit Veliu Mar 31, 2023 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing
Ardit Veliu Tested Pattern #7: Social Counts In Test #464 On
In this experiment, copy was added which showed the number of experts (in a given category) a person may gain access to after filling out a lead form. The context of this is a lead-gen landing page where people are seeking experts for legal purposes. Impact on initial progression (of a multi step form) and completed leads was measured.
Test #442 on by Daria Kurchinskaia Nov 27, 2022 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing
Daria Kurchinskaia Tested Pattern #4: Testimonials In Test #442 On
In this experiment, three testimonials were appended at the bottom of landing pages of a contract cancelation service (paid). These testimonials were also shown throughout the complete signup funnel (4 more steps). Impact on progression (step 2) and final completed purchases were measured.
Test #443 on by Daria Kurchinskaia Nov 27, 2022 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing
Daria Kurchinskaia Tested Pattern #4: Testimonials In Test #443 On
In this experiment, four TrustPilot reviews were appended at the bottom of landing pages of a contract cancelation service (paid). These reviews were also shown throughout the complete signup funnel (4 more steps). Impact on progression (step 2) and final completed purchases were measured.
Test #436 on by Daniel Shapiro Oct 25, 2022 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing
Daniel Shapiro Tested Pattern #7: Social Counts In Test #436 On
In this experiment, social proof and scarcity messages were shown on a course enrollment landing page. When students were starting to sign up at the beginning of each month (with greater availability), a simpler "X students have already enrolled in the next cohort" message was used.
Later in the month when fewer spots were available, a more scarce message was used with the following copy "ONLY X SPOTS available in the next cohort".
In both cases, the numbers were accurate and dynamically updated.
Test #369 on by Rodolfo Lugli Aug 05, 2021 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing
Rodolfo Lugli Tested Pattern #7: Social Counts In Test #369 On
In this experimemt, the number of service requests per month were shown that people can expect after signing up in a given category. Impact on leads was measured (people who would be signing up to offer a particular service).
Test #365 on by Andrey Andreev Jul 13, 2021 Mobile Product
Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #4: Testimonials In Test #365 On
In this experiment, reviews on product pages were exposed completely. Instead of hiding them under a clickable tab, they were shown by default in the variation. Impact on sales was measured.
Test #362 on by Vinicius Barros Peixoto Jun 23, 2021 Desktop Mobile Product
Vinicius Barros Peixoto Tested Pattern #7: Social Counts In Test #362 On
In this experiment, the number of recent property views was displayed under the call to action. Impact on overall lead generation was measured. (Translated using Google from Brazilian Portuguese.)
Test #315 on by Stanley Zuo Aug 22, 2020 Mobile Signup
Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #7: Social Counts In Test #315 On
In this experiment, a dynamic number of job postings was displayed during the signup process - reinforcing the value of signing up for membership access.