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Test #118 on Akademiafotografii.p... by Grzegorz Jancewicz   Oct 01, 2017 Desktop Product

Grzegorz Jancewicz Tested Pattern #34: Open In A New Tab In Test #118 On Akademiafotografii.p...

The only change in this test was the way links were opened on this course listings page. Variation A opened links in the same window, and variation B opened them in a new tab (and focusing on the newly opened screen).

Test #106 on by Martin Wong   May 23, 2017 Desktop Product

Martin Wong Tested Pattern #15: Bulleted Reassurances In Test #106 On

Three reassurances were added underneath each purchase button: Lifetime Updates, Works On All Devices and Money-Back Guarantee.

Test #54 on by Chris Goward   Aug 11, 2016 Desktop Mobile Product

Chris Goward Tested Pattern #7: Social Counts In Test #54

Client background (e.g. industry, business model):

This client is a healthcare company: their website is designed for lead generation. This company collects leads for their kidney-focused programs and ultimately provides kidney dialysis for those who decide to become patients.


Experiment background:

This experiment was focused on a right rail and the goal was to encourage more users to sign up to download the client’s free diabetes-friendly cookbook.

Test #4 on by Oskar Zabik   Dec 03, 2014 Mobile Desktop Product

Oskar Zabik Tested Pattern #54: Buy Now Or Smaller Commitment Button In Test #4

A simple experiment with a button label change - comparing "buy now" vs potentially easier "contact this seller now" buttons. This test ran on a marketplace product detail page with the intention of generating leads.