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Test #140 on Akademiafotografii.p... by Grzegorz Jancewicz   Jan 05, 2018 Desktop Mobile Product

Grzegorz Jancewicz Tested Pattern #46: Pay Later In Test #140 On Akademiafotografii.p...

The test was run on multiple course pages. The screenshot contains the cropped bottom part of a long screen with an exposed signup form. The variation introduced additional text above the form which states: "Free Cancellation. Payment is not required today".

Test #141 on by Daniel Shapiro   Jan 05, 2018 Desktop Mobile Product

Daniel Shapiro Tested Pattern #49: Above The Fold Call To Action In Test #141 On

The variation introduced a call to action at the top of the screen that linked to a form deep down on a long course page.

Test #136 on by Marlies Wilms Floet   Dec 18, 2017 Desktop Product

Marlies Wilms Floet Tested Pattern #42: Countdown Timer In Test #136 On

De Nieuwe Zaak (a Dutch ecommerce agency) tested a countdown timer on an ecommerce site. The variation showed how many hours and minutes were left in order to be eligible for next day delivery. The variation beat the control which did not have this element of urgency.

Test #134 on by Niels Hapke   Dec 14, 2017 Desktop Product

Niels Hapke Tested Pattern #41: Sticky Call To Action In Test #134 On

In this beautiful test, the key change was the introduction of a larger call to action linking to a premium / upgrade screen. The call to action was placed on the left sidebar which was floating. This is a great example of providing visibility to important elements by making them persistent.

Test #118 on Akademiafotografii.p... by Grzegorz Jancewicz   Oct 01, 2017 Desktop Product

Grzegorz Jancewicz Tested Pattern #34: Open In A New Tab In Test #118 On Akademiafotografii.p...

The only change in this test was the way links were opened on this course listings page. Variation A opened links in the same window, and variation B opened them in a new tab (and focusing on the newly opened screen).

Test #106 on by Martin Wong   May 23, 2017 Desktop Product

Martin Wong Tested Pattern #15: Bulleted Reassurances In Test #106 On

Three reassurances were added underneath each purchase button: Lifetime Updates, Works On All Devices and Money-Back Guarantee.