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Test #385 on by Samuel Hess   Nov 25, 2021 Mobile Product

Samuel Hess Tested Pattern #63: Trust Seals In Test #385 On

In this experiment, a simple Amazon badge was added on a product page. The translated (Google) language read: "Since we founded snocks, our customers have always been our focus - we are constantly trying to develop further. That's why we're extremely proud that Amazon attracted attention and that they named us Sales Partner of the Year in 2019."

Test #382 on by Samuel Hess   Oct 31, 2021 Desktop Product

Samuel Hess Tested Pattern #43: Long Titles In Test #382 On

In this experiment, the variation contained a simple text change that described the quality of the product. According to Google Translate the text changed from "tight men's underpants" (control) to "are so comfortable that you don't feel them when you wear them" (variation).

Test #378 on by Jakub Linowski   Oct 07, 2021 Desktop Mobile Product

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #119: Unselected Or Selected Defaults In Test #378

Here we have an experiment with a variation that preselected an option for a club duration. The control required customers to first express the choice for how many months they would like to order a product for. Whereas the variation defaulted to 12 months from the beginning.

Impact on adds-to-cart and sales was measured. The experiment unfortunately had to be stopped early due to another embedded variation that was performing poorly. And so it does not have many transactions.

Test #376 on by Samuel Hess   Sep 29, 2021 Mobile Desktop Product

Samuel Hess Tested Pattern #15: Bulleted Reassurances In Test #376 On

In this experiment, a series of reassurances were added just below the add to cart button. These included: "free shipping", "free returns" and an "anti-hole guarantee". The test ran on the product page of an socks ecommerce company. Impact on sales was measured.

Test #372 on by Marika Francisco   Aug 30, 2021 Desktop Product

Marika Francisco Tested Pattern #122: Zigzag Layout In Test #372 On

In this experiment, product descriptions were changed to an alternating zig zag layout with images. Impact on adds-to-cart and sales was measured.

Test #366 on by Andrey Andreev   Jul 14, 2021 Desktop Mobile Product

Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #93: Auto Next In Test #366 On

In this experiment, the interaction on a product page was changed. In the control (A), after clicking "add to cart", the customer would remain on the product page with an updated basket and the button changing to "Go To Cart". The variation (B) however took customers forward automatically to the cart.

Test #365 on by Andrey Andreev   Jul 13, 2021 Mobile Product

Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #4: Testimonials In Test #365 On

In this experiment, reviews on product pages were exposed completely. Instead of hiding them under a clickable tab, they were shown by default in the variation. Impact on sales was measured.

Test #364 on by Samuel Hess   Jul 06, 2021 Desktop Product

Samuel Hess Tested Pattern #122: Zigzag Layout In Test #364 On

In this experiment, product descriptions or qualities were added using a zigzag layout pattern composed of photos and extra copy. This sections was appended between existing copy and testimonials. Some of the copy highlights included wording such as "innovative surface", "non-slip and wide", and "skin-friendly". Impact on adds-to-cart and sales was measured.

Test #363 on by Jakub Linowski   Jul 05, 2021 Desktop Mobile Product

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #30: Authentic Photos In Test #363

In this experiment, six product photos from were added which showed the actual products (including unboxing images).

Test #362 on by Vinicius Barros Peixoto   Jun 23, 2021 Desktop Mobile Product

Vinicius Barros Peixoto Tested Pattern #7: Social Counts In Test #362 On

In this experiment, the number of recent property views was displayed under the call to action. Impact on overall lead generation was measured. (Translated using Google from Brazilian Portuguese.)

Test #361 on by Velin Penev   Jun 22, 2021 Desktop Product

Velin Penev Tested Pattern #49: Above The Fold Call To Action In Test #361 On

In this experiment, a pricing plan selector was shifted from the very bottom of a long product page towards (almost) the top. Impact on any transactions or sales was measured.

Test #360 on by Jakub Linowski   Jun 16, 2021 Desktop Product

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #60: Repeated Bottom Call To Action In Test #360

In this experiment, a comparison chart with various purchasing options was appended at the bottom of a product page. 

Test #359 on by Samuel Hess   Jun 11, 2021 Desktop Mobile Product

Samuel Hess Tested Pattern #43: Long Titles In Test #359 On

In this experiment, product titles were extended with descriptive copy. Instead of just showing the product name, "with organic cotton" was appended on product and category/listing pages. Impact to adds to cart and sales was measured.

Test #354 on by Andrey Andreev   May 25, 2021 Desktop Mobile Product

Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #69: Autodiscounting In Test #354 On

In this experiment, the discounted price was shown along with an active promotion. The control only showed that the relative -8% discount was present with the pre-discounted price.

Test #353 on by Stanley Zuo   May 12, 2021 Desktop Product

Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #13: Centered Forms & Buttons In Test #353 On

This experiment challanged a right aligned detail page. After clicking a result of a job role on a listing page, an overlay would appear on the right with the details. The variation used a full width screen instead - effectively centering the page.

Test #343 on by Samuel Hess   Mar 12, 2021 Desktop Mobile Product

Samuel Hess Tested Pattern #122: Zigzag Layout In Test #343 On

In this experiment, the content on a product page was reorganized into a zigzagging (alternating layout) along with reinforcing photos. Impact on adds-to-cart and total sales was measured.

Test #86 on by Rodrigo Maués   Feb 28, 2021 Mobile Desktop Product

Rodrigo Maués Tested Pattern #3: Fewer Form Fields In Test #86 On

In this experiment, the telephone field was removed from a lead form on a property page. Impact on leads was measured.

Test #332 on by Jakub Linowski   Dec 30, 2020 Desktop Mobile Product

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #121: Free Shipping In Test #332

In this experiment, an extra "Free Shipping" message was added on a product page - at the top of the buy box with an add-to-cart call to action. It's prominence was increased by using white copy on a darker blue background. Impact on adds-to-cart and total sales was measured.

Test #331 on by Jakub Linowski   Dec 30, 2020 Desktop Mobile Product

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #121: Free Shipping In Test #331

In this little experiment, an extra "Free Shipping" message was added on a product page. It's prominence was increased by using white copy on a darker blue background. Impact on adds-to-cart and total sales was measured.

Test #324 on by Jakub Linowski   Oct 30, 2020 Desktop Mobile Product

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #17: Least Or Most Expensive First In Test #324

This experiment tested the order of purchase plans. The control version sorted the purchase options by the least expensive while the variation sorted them by the most expensive first. Impact on sales and revenue was measured.