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Test #226 on by Ronny Kohavi   Feb 18, 2019 Desktop Product

Ronny Kohavi Tested Pattern #96: Single Focus Photos In Test #226 On

Microsoft Store ran an experiment on the Surface Book 2 product page. The treatment showed a hero image with fewer, yet larger product photos

Test #221 on by Ronny Kohavi   Jan 27, 2019 Desktop Product

Ronny Kohavi Tested Pattern #49: Above The Fold Call To Action In Test #221 On

Microsoft Store ran an experiment on the Office 365 Home product page. The treatment raised the purchase calls to action higher by removing the hero image.

Test #212 on by Vito Mediavilla   Dec 04, 2018 Desktop Mobile Product

Vito Mediavilla Tested Pattern #60: Repeated Bottom Call To Action In Test #212 On

In this experiment, a call to action was repeated at the bottom of the product page. Additional certification icons were also added for additional reassurance.

Test #207 on by Karl Gilis   Nov 01, 2018 Desktop Product

Karl Gilis Tested Pattern #88: Action Button In Test #207 On

This test ran on the Suzuki Swift landing page. In the B variation, extra links with the following copy ‘Discover the <name of car model>’ were added for each sub product. (in Dutch: ‘Bekijk de…’).

Test #197 on by Nicholas Evans   Sep 04, 2018 Desktop Product

Nicholas Evans Tested Pattern #4: Testimonials In Test #197 On

In the variation, customer reviews were exposed from a less visible tab view.

Test #192 on by Alexander Shvets   Aug 07, 2018 Desktop Mobile Product

Alexander Shvets Tested Pattern #4: Testimonials In Test #192 On

In this experiment, a number of customer reviews were added at the middle of a product page.

Test #187 on by Will Anderson   Jul 09, 2018 Desktop Mobile Product

Will Anderson Tested Pattern #71: Personalized Next Step In Test #187 On

In this experiment, a lead form (with a syllabus) would transform into the next application step of "enrolling" after being submitted. More so, this surfacing of the next enrollment step was personalized and shown for users that also returned to the web site in future visits. 

Test #167 on by Matthew Curry   Apr 10, 2018 Desktop Product

Matthew Curry Tested Pattern #69: Autodiscounting In Test #167 On

The idea is that, if the customer has an active discount code for that session (either by landing on a particular page, or entering a code somewhere), instead of just showing the discount in the basket, we show it further (earlier) up the funnel and automatically discount on the product page.

The effectiveness of this depends on the discount level, I've tested it at 30% and 50%.

With a 50% Discount:
Add to Cart rate +33%
Sales rate + 24%

With a 30% Discount:
Add to Cart rate +11.6%
Sales rate + 10.2%

Test #157 on by Viljo Vabrit   Mar 06, 2018 Desktop Product

Viljo Vabrit Tested Pattern #62: Urgent Next Day Delivery In Test #157 On

Hypothesis - Urgency leads to higher conversions as people have less time to think and will instead follow their impulse to complete the purchase now rather than later.

The Treatment - From Monday to Friday, before 4 PM, we added the urgency message “Free next business day delivery if you order before 4 PM (UK)”. We placed the urgency message just below the product name ensuring that it fell into the reading pattern of all visitors interested in the products. To ensure the treatment was only shown at the right time and for the right people we added a condition: MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI before 4 PM; UK IP.