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Test #207 on by Karl Gilis   Nov 01, 2018 Desktop Product

Karl Gilis Tested Pattern #88: Action Button In Test #207 On

This test ran on the Suzuki Swift landing page. In the B variation, extra links with the following copy ‘Discover the <name of car model>’ were added for each sub product. (in Dutch: ‘Bekijk de…’).

Test #201 on by Ben Labay   Sep 19, 2018 Desktop Mobile Thank You

Ben Labay Tested Pattern #7: Social Counts In Test #201

In this test the upsell modal had an added text box with number of people that day who took the offer. The test hypothesis was that social proof will add motivation to take an action and the offer.

Test #197 on by Nicholas Evans   Sep 04, 2018 Desktop Product

Nicholas Evans Tested Pattern #4: Testimonials In Test #197 On

In the variation, customer reviews were exposed from a less visible tab view.

Test #192 on by Alexander Shvets   Aug 07, 2018 Desktop Mobile Product

Alexander Shvets Tested Pattern #4: Testimonials In Test #192 On

In this experiment, a number of customer reviews were added at the middle of a product page.

Test #193 on by Marcos Ciarrocchi   Aug 07, 2018 Desktop Mobile Signup

Marcos Ciarrocchi Tested Pattern #91: Forced Action In Test #193 On

In this experiment, the presence of an additional "skip all" text link was tested on a multiple step signup flow. The skip all link allowed users to bypass personalization questions and go straight to their app dashboard. The control (A) shows its presence, and in variant B we can see it was removed.

Test #188 on by Julian Gaviria   Jul 11, 2018 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Julian Gaviria Tested Pattern #4: Testimonials In Test #188 On

In this experiment, a testimonial with a repeated call to action was placed at the bottom of a landing page.

Test #186 on by Devesh Khanal   Jul 02, 2018 Mobile Home & Landing

Devesh Khanal Tested Pattern #14: Exposed Menu Options In Test #186

In this experiment, additional product categories were added at the top of the navigation.

Test #176 on by Niels Hapke   May 16, 2018 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Niels Hapke Tested Pattern #4: Testimonials In Test #176 On

In this experiment, testimonials were added on a checkout screen.

Test #167 on by Matthew Curry   Apr 10, 2018 Desktop Product

Matthew Curry Tested Pattern #69: Autodiscounting In Test #167 On

The idea is that, if the customer has an active discount code for that session (either by landing on a particular page, or entering a code somewhere), instead of just showing the discount in the basket, we show it further (earlier) up the funnel and automatically discount on the product page.

The effectiveness of this depends on the discount level, I've tested it at 30% and 50%.

With a 50% Discount:
Add to Cart rate +33%
Sales rate + 24%

With a 30% Discount:
Add to Cart rate +11.6%
Sales rate + 10.2%