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Test #418 on by Andrey Andreev   Jun 28, 2022 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #135: Product Categories In Test #418 On

In this experiment, popular product category links were added near the bottom of the homepage of an online grocery store - Metro. Impact on completed sales was measured.

Test #416 on by Daniel Shapiro   Jun 20, 2022 Desktop Mobile Product

Daniel Shapiro Tested Pattern #105: Lead Magnets In Test #416 On

In this experiment, copy was added which communicated that students signing up for a course would receive extra design resources (the lead magnet). This was added in multiple states of the course page. Impact on lead generation and enrollment was measured.

Test #413 on by Jakub Linowski   May 26, 2022 Desktop Mobile Shopping Cart

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #114: Less Or More Visible Prices In Test #413

Should prices be displayed during an editing state on an add-to-cart screen (after adding-to-cart from a product detail page)? In this experiment, club pricing was added and shown in three areas after customers clicked on a small "edit details" links. The control did not have this pricing information (which was only shown on a product detail screen before).

Test #412 on by Frederik Fröhle   May 16, 2022 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Frederik Fröhle Tested Pattern #15: Bulleted Reassurances In Test #412 On

The Volders experimentation team assumed that adding information about how long it might take to get a cancellation confirmation near a CTA Button would result in higher cancellation requests (the paid service being offered).

The variation contained additional copy translated from German to: "Most of our users receive their cancellation confirmation from <vendor> within 14 days by email or letter."

Test #410 on by Daniel Shapiro   May 05, 2022 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Daniel Shapiro Tested Pattern #29: Surfaced Content In Test #410 On

Does linking to a product detail page help? Or should a homepage simply focus on generic lead generation? In this homepage experiment, the presence of a component with a link to a detailed course landing page was tested. Impact on course enrollments was measured.

Test #408 on by Jakub Linowski   Apr 29, 2022 Desktop Mobile Product

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #67: Currency & Taxes In Test #408

Here is a very simple experiment where CDN currency copy was appended to prices being shown on a Canadian ecommerce site. Additional copy ("from Canada") was appended to an existing shipping message.  

Test #407 on by Melina Hess   Apr 22, 2022 Desktop Mobile Product

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #125: Unit Prices In Test #407 On

Here is an experiment with an added "price per pair" in the context of products with multiple items (packs).A high contrast badge-like copy was appended underneath the price which translates to "only $X per item". Impact on sales was measured.

Test #403 on by Jakub Linowski   Mar 29, 2022 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #42: Countdown Timer In Test #403

In this experiment, an urgency related message with a dynamic countdown timer was added on the final checkout screen. Impact on sales was measured.

Test #400 on by Herman Klein   Mar 06, 2022 Desktop Shopping Cart

Herman Klein Tested Pattern #65: Add More For Free Shipping In Test #400

In this experiment, customers who were not yet eligible for free shipping (with cart amounts under $39) were presented with an encouraging message to add more and earn free shipping. Impact on progression to checkout and sales was measured.

Test #398 on by Herman Klein   Feb 25, 2022 Desktop Shopping Cart

Herman Klein Tested Pattern #121: Free Shipping In Test #398 On

In this experiment, customers were eligible for free shipping (with cart amounts of $39 or more) were presented with an earned free shipping message. The variation also showed the value of the earned free shipping - (for example $10). Impact on progression to checkout and sales was measured.

Test #397 on by Melina Hess   Feb 24, 2022 Mobile Product

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #121: Free Shipping In Test #397 On

In this experiment a "Free Shipping & Returns" message was added just below the price information. 

Test #395 on by Jakub Linowski   Jan 31, 2022 Desktop Mobile Product

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #52: How It Works In Test #395

In this experiment, a How It Works section was appended on a product detail page just above product reviews.

Test #5 on by Andrei Zakhareuski   Jan 23, 2022 Desktop Mobile Product

Andrei Zakhareuski Tested Pattern #21: What It's Worth In Test #5 On

The variation included a simple extention of the headline to include the full dollar worth of a discounted bundle deal. 

Test #122 on by Daniel Shapiro   Jan 22, 2022 Desktop Mobile Product

Daniel Shapiro Tested Pattern #30: Authentic Photos In Test #122 On

In this experiment for an online design course, the variation had an extra section with student work previews. The previews were not clickable but were added just below the fold. Impact on leads was measured by potential students requesting a syllabus through an online form throughout the long landing page.

Test #391 on by Stanley Zuo   Dec 30, 2021 Desktop Mobile Listing

Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #82: Onboarding Callouts In Test #391 On

This experiment added a small nudge or callout to encourage more signups. Attention was directed towards the save function, which lead to the signup flow for anyone not signed it. Impact on signups was measured.

Test #390 on by Melina Hess   Dec 21, 2021 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #106: Back Buttons In Test #390 On

In this experiment, the variation has a "Back To Shopping Cart" link right underneath the checkout button. Impact on sales was measured.

Test #388 on by Jakub Linowski   Dec 09, 2021 Mobile Listing

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #51: Shortcut Buttons In Test #388

In this experiment, extra "buy now" buttons were added on a listing page. These buttons were shortcuts to an add to cart flow, whereas the "learn more" buttons lead customers to product detail pages (visible in both control and variation). Impact on adds-to-cart and sales was measured.

Test #387 on by Jakub Linowski   Nov 30, 2021 Mobile Listing

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #88: Action Button In Test #387

In this experiment, simple "Learn More" buttons were added underneath each product thumbnail. These buttons were additional triggers that linked to product detail pages on top of the existing thumbnails and product names (that also linked to the PDPs). Impact on product visits and sales was measured.

Test #385 on by Samuel Hess   Nov 25, 2021 Mobile Product

Samuel Hess Tested Pattern #63: Trust Seals In Test #385 On

In this experiment, a simple Amazon badge was added on a product page. The translated (Google) language read: "Since we founded snocks, our customers have always been our focus - we are constantly trying to develop further. That's why we're extremely proud that Amazon attracted attention and that they named us Sales Partner of the Year in 2019."

Test #381 on by Ardit Veliu   Oct 30, 2021 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Ardit Veliu Tested Pattern #49: Above The Fold Call To Action In Test #381 On

In this experiment, an extra button to a signup lead form was placed above the fold. In the control, the same button appeared further down on the page.