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Test #227 on by Alexander Krieger   Mar 04, 2019 Desktop Signup

Alexander Krieger Tested Pattern #99: Progress Bar In Test #227 On

In this experiment, a simple progress bar was added to a 2nd step of contract cancellation funnel. The progress bar used separate styles to show which steps were completed, what the current step was, as well as the future step.

Translation of the 3 steps from German are as follows:

  1. Fill out the termination
  2. Send termination
  3. Proof of termination

Test #226 on by Ronny Kohavi   Feb 18, 2019 Desktop Product

Ronny Kohavi Tested Pattern #96: Single Focus Photos In Test #226 On

Microsoft Store ran an experiment on the Surface Book 2 product page. The treatment showed a hero image with fewer, yet larger product photos

Test #224 on by Alex James   Feb 11, 2019 Desktop Home & Landing

Alex James Tested Pattern #3: Fewer Form Fields In Test #224

This experiment reduced the search form by removing the distance field.

Test #222 on by Julian Gaviria   Feb 01, 2019 Desktop Listing

Julian Gaviria Tested Pattern #7: Social Counts In Test #222 On

In this variation, a number of social proof references were added to a signup modal.

Test #223 on by Alexander Krieger   Feb 01, 2019 Desktop Mobile Signup

Alexander Krieger Tested Pattern #12: Payment First In Test #223 On

This test deprioritized the free option (kostenlos) of cancelling a contract. It did so by placing it under the paid options as small text link / radio option.

Test #221 on by Ronny Kohavi   Jan 27, 2019 Desktop Product

Ronny Kohavi Tested Pattern #49: Above The Fold Call To Action In Test #221 On

Microsoft Store ran an experiment on the Office 365 Home product page. The treatment raised the purchase calls to action higher by removing the hero image.

Test #220 on by Alex James   Jan 18, 2019 Desktop Listing

Alex James Tested Pattern #34: Open In A New Tab In Test #220

This experiment measured the effect of opening new listing (job applications) in a new tab, against opening them in the same window. The experiment A-B was inversed to match the pattern (in reality, the original already opened the tabs in a new window).

Test #218 on by Kimberly Cheung   Jan 14, 2019 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Kimberly Cheung Tested Pattern #94: Visible Search In Test #218 On

Hypothesis: Anonymous users can't use global search while on the home promo page. We believe that if we show a global search bar to anonymous users, it presents a higher converting funnel (guided search) and will increase our sign-up rates significantly.

Control (A): Logged out users don't see global search bar.

Variant (B): Logged out users see global search bar. After searching for a keyword, the signup funnel starts with a more personalized reason to continue the signup process.

Test #215 on by Vinicius Barros Peixoto   Dec 21, 2018 Mobile Listing

Vinicius Barros Peixoto Tested Pattern #92: Already Viewed Label In Test #215 On

The idea of this test was to add a "Viewed" label on a listing page to indicate listings which have already been viewed by users.

Test #216 on by Ronny Kohavi   Dec 21, 2018 Desktop Home & Landing

Ronny Kohavi Tested Pattern #2: Icon Labels In Test #216 On

Microsoft ran an experiment on their Customer Satisfaction Survey at both and (Desktop). The treatment contained two icon labels at the opposite sides of the star rating range (ex: Very Dissatisfied and Very Satisfied) - providing it with additional meaning.

Test #214 on by Marcos Ciarrocchi   Dec 07, 2018 Mobile Signup

Marcos Ciarrocchi Tested Pattern #91: Forced Action In Test #214 On

In this experiment, the highly prominent "skip" button was replaced with a less prominent text link. The copy of the skip text link also clarified the consequence of the action - losing out on personalization benefits. More so, the habitual top-right cancel icon was also removed.

Test #212 on by Vito Mediavilla   Dec 04, 2018 Desktop Mobile Product

Vito Mediavilla Tested Pattern #60: Repeated Bottom Call To Action In Test #212 On

In this experiment, a call to action was repeated at the bottom of the product page. Additional certification icons were also added for additional reassurance.

Test #213 on by Vito Mediavilla   Dec 04, 2018 Desktop Mobile Signup

Vito Mediavilla Tested Pattern #85: Benefit Button In Test #213 On

In this variation, a longer button label with a clearer benefit was tested against a shorter one.

Test #211 on Skype App by Ronny Kohavi   Nov 20, 2018 Mobile Global

Ronny Kohavi Tested Pattern #2: Icon Labels In Test #211

Microsoft Skype ran an experiment for the mobile segment of the Skype application with a treatment having combined icons with corresponding labels. The control only showed icons.

Test #210 on by Lee Elkins   Nov 13, 2018 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Lee Elkins Tested Pattern #64: Tunnel In Test #210 On

In this experiment, the header navigation links were removed on a landing page in order to provide more focus to the signup form.

Test #209 on by Vinicius Barros Peixoto   Nov 12, 2018 Mobile Listing

Vinicius Barros Peixoto Tested Pattern #34: Open In A New Tab In Test #209 On

The idea of this experiment was taking advantage of mobile browser behavior. When a link is open in a new tab on mobile browsers, and users hit the back button, the tab closes and users get back exactly where they were before without any new result page load.

Test #208 on by Julian Gaviria   Nov 02, 2018 Desktop Mobile Listing

Julian Gaviria Tested Pattern #88: Action Button In Test #208 On

In this variation, the button labels were changed from "Profile" to "View Supplier".