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Test #284 on by Julian Gaviria   Feb 19, 2020 Desktop Mobile Listing

Julian Gaviria Tested Pattern #78: Tags, Badges And Structured Information In Test #284 On

In this experiment, structured data tags were displayed on a listing page to help potential buyers make better decisions. The additional information about the listed companies included: annual revenue, employee count, and year of establishment.

Test #283 on by Niels Hapke   Feb 08, 2020 Desktop Mobile Global

Niels Hapke Tested Pattern #42: Countdown Timer In Test #283 On

In this experiment, registered trial users were shown a 65 minute counter on multiple pages (dashboard, listing, quiz, articles) encouraging them to get a full subscription and study all content. Both A and B experiences offered the same limited content for trial users. After the 65 minutes came to an end, the B variation showed an additional "Go Premium" button on all pages, but continued to offer the same limited content.

Test #282 on by Julian Gaviria   Feb 07, 2020 Desktop Mobile Listing

Julian Gaviria Tested Pattern #51: Shortcut Buttons In Test #282 On

In this experiment, a contact button was added to a listing / search results page to make it faster to contact a company. This same button was also visible on the company detail page.

Test #281 on by Stanley Zuo   Jan 31, 2020 Desktop Listing

Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #116: Links Or Buttons In Test #281 On

In this experiment, multiple view detail links for a listing tile were turned into higher contrast buttons. 

Test #280 on by Alexander Krieger   Jan 24, 2020 Desktop Mobile Signup

Alexander Krieger Tested Pattern #3: Fewer Form Fields In Test #280 On

In this experiment on a contract cancellation funnel, one field was removed - a secondary contract ID. The control and variation both had a primary "customer ID" with which to identify and cancel someone's contract with.

Test #279 on by Lars Skjold Iversen   Jan 16, 2020 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Lars Skjold Iversen Tested Pattern #79: Product Highlights In Test #279 On

In this experiment, 3 additional course links with descriptions were added to the homepage. The idea was to increase course sales aside of the Saas subscription signups.

Test #278 on by Someone   Jan 15, 2020 Mobile Shopping Cart

Someone Tested Pattern #64: Tunnel In Test #278

In this experiment, multiple elemenets were removed from the bottom of the cart page. This was done to see if they were potential distractions that hindered the purchase process. The elements included such things as: Order details (visible on other pages), large product photo, a "what you receive" section with selling points, more reassurances, and a newsletter subscribe box.

Test #277 on by Arthur Sparks   Jan 03, 2020 Desktop Pricing

Arthur Sparks Tested Pattern #115: Pricing Comparison Table In Test #277 On

In this experiment, side-by-side plan features were aligned and changed to a comparison table with checkmarks for easier comparison.

Test #275 on by Arthur Sparks   Dec 31, 2019 Desktop Pricing

Arthur Sparks Tested Pattern #114: Less Or More Visible Prices In Test #275 On

In this experiment, all three prices of each plan were shifted higher for greater visibility.

Test #276 on by Lars Skjold Iversen   Dec 31, 2019 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Lars Skjold Iversen Tested Pattern #111: Field Explanations In Test #276 On

In this experiment, the idea was to move away from copy that was focusing on the needs of the company ("we need your email") towards copy that hinted at a customer benefit ("create your trial").

Test #273 on Elevate App by Jesse Germinario   Dec 19, 2019 Mobile Signup

Jesse Germinario Tested Pattern #9: Multiple Steps In Test #273

This experiment tests the impact of a different paywall screen on iOS. The current control paywall screen for 100% of iOS users was the animated pro screen. In this screen, users see an animation that gives shows glimpses of several Elevate games in action, as well as a bulleted list of key selling points for Pro. The proposed change (variant B) features a swipeable carousel of pages where each page has an image and some accompanying text explaining a different benefit of subscribing to Pro. The hypothesis is that we can lift conversion by showing users the alternate swiping paywall screen.

Test #274 on by Someone   Dec 16, 2019 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Someone Tested Pattern #1: Remove Coupon Fields In Test #274

In this experiment, a fully visible coupon field (A) was made less visible by turning it into a default collaped link (B). Clicking on the link caused the coupon field to appear.

Test #272 on by Stanley Zuo   Dec 03, 2019 Desktop Pricing

Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #113: More Or Fewer Plans In Test #272 On

In this experiment, the three pricing plans were condensed into a single recommended plan (annual), with a secondary option to choose the monthly plan.

Test #271 on by Georgi Z. Georgiev   Nov 24, 2019 Desktop Mobile Signup

Georgi Z. Georgiev Tested Pattern #4: Testimonials In Test #271 On

In this experiment, the test variant showed 2 testimonials on the user registration / free trial registration page at

Test #270 on by J.R. Hernandez   Nov 19, 2019 Desktop Listing

J.R. Hernandez Tested Pattern #37: List Or Grid View In Test #270 On

In this experiment, a list view was tested against a grid view.

Test #269 on by Julian Gaviria   Nov 15, 2019 Desktop Home & Landing

Julian Gaviria Tested Pattern #14: Exposed Menu Options In Test #269 On

In this experiment, the variation exposed 6 of the options from the pulldown menu as tabs.

Test #268 on by Stanley Zuo   Nov 08, 2019 Mobile Listing

Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #14: Exposed Menu Options In Test #268 On

The change in this experiment was an exposed SEO panel (B) with a number of clickable filter options. 

Test #267 on by Stanley Zuo   Nov 05, 2019 Mobile Checkout

Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #99: Progress Bar In Test #267 On

A "Step X of 4" progress bar was tested against a fully visible one that was also clickable.

Test #266 on by Someone   Oct 25, 2019 Desktop Mobile Product

Someone Tested Pattern #4: Testimonials In Test #266

In this experiment, a product page showed customer reviews at the bottom of the page (B) instead of hiding them under a tab (A).

Test #265 on by Pierre Olivier Martel   Oct 17, 2019 Desktop Mobile Pricing

Pierre Olivier Martel Tested Pattern #112: Lower Price Frames In Test #265 On

In this experiment, the $69 payment was explained as $6 per month over 1 year, and the $89 was explained as $4 per month over 2 years.