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Test #241 on by Niels Hapke   May 24, 2019 Desktop Mobile Signup

Niels Hapke Tested Pattern #105: Lead Magnets In Test #241 On

In this experiment, a free study guide ebook was promoted on a registration page.

Test #240 on by Julian Gaviria   May 16, 2019 Desktop Listing

Julian Gaviria Tested Pattern #13: Centered Forms & Buttons In Test #240 On

In this experiment, two different positions of the View Catalog button were compared. In version A the button was smaller and on the right. In version B the button was wider and more central. (The actual test was inverted before publishing to match the A-B of the pattern.)

Test #239 on by Alexander Krieger   May 02, 2019 Desktop Home & Landing

Alexander Krieger Tested Pattern #13: Centered Forms & Buttons In Test #239 On

A contract cancellation landing page was tested for the effect of a single (wider CTA area with a left aligned button) vs two column layout (narrow CTA area with a right aligned button).

Test #238 on by Karl Gilis   May 01, 2019 Desktop Home & Landing

Karl Gilis Tested Pattern #104: Carousel Vs Static Grid Images In Test #238 On

In this homepage experiment with a 4-slide carousel, the slides changed every 3.5 seconds and users could also choose another slide manually. In the variations, instead of the 4 slides in the carousel, static images were used to take up the same amount of space.

Test #236 on by Alex James   Apr 04, 2019 Desktop Signup

Alex James Tested Pattern #9: Multiple Steps In Test #236

In this experiment a single screen signup process was broken into 2 separate steps: account creation & details.

Test #235 on by Julian Gaviria   Apr 02, 2019 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Julian Gaviria Tested Pattern #102: Expanded Or Condensed Layout In Test #235 On

In this experiment, the layout was condensed from a taller to a shorter one.

Test #233 on by Ondřej Ilinčev   Apr 01, 2019 Desktop Signup

Ondřej Ilinčev Tested Pattern #100: Postponed Registration In Test #233 On

In this experiment, the old flow had a login / register / guest checkout as a second step. The variant B flow removed this step and treated everyone as a guest (and later offered to login / register). In the B version guests had a voluntary registration on the thank you page and in a confirmation email. 


Test #234 on by Alex James   Apr 01, 2019 Desktop Listing

Alex James Tested Pattern #101: Search Keyword Highlighting In Test #234

In this experiment, a different style for keyword highlighting was used.

Test #232 on by Sjardo Janssen   Mar 15, 2019 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Sjardo Janssen Tested Pattern #6: Customer Star Ratings In Test #232 On

In this experiment, the Yoast team replaced one of the bulleted reassurances on their checkout page ("4.9 out of 5 stars" vs "24/7 Free support"). Raising the question - is free support or high reviews valued more? - Thanks Sjardo & Meike for sharing!

Test #230 on by Jakub Linowski   Mar 09, 2019 Desktop Mobile Listing

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #56: Hover Button In Test #230 On

In this test we tested onhover buttons (variant) versus more traditional always exposed and visible ones.

Test #228 on by Jakub Linowski   Mar 05, 2019 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #99: Progress Bar In Test #228

The variation added a progress bar to one of the checkout steps for a ticket ordering site.

Test #227 on by Alexander Krieger   Mar 04, 2019 Desktop Signup

Alexander Krieger Tested Pattern #99: Progress Bar In Test #227 On

In this experiment, a simple progress bar was added to a 2nd step of contract cancellation funnel. The progress bar used separate styles to show which steps were completed, what the current step was, as well as the future step.

Translation of the 3 steps from German are as follows:

  1. Fill out the termination
  2. Send termination
  3. Proof of termination

Test #226 on by Ronny Kohavi   Feb 18, 2019 Desktop Product

Ronny Kohavi Tested Pattern #96: Single Focus Photos In Test #226 On

Microsoft Store ran an experiment on the Surface Book 2 product page. The treatment showed a hero image with fewer, yet larger product photos

Test #224 on by Alex James   Feb 11, 2019 Desktop Home & Landing

Alex James Tested Pattern #3: Fewer Form Fields In Test #224

This experiment reduced the search form by removing the distance field.

Test #222 on by Julian Gaviria   Feb 01, 2019 Desktop Listing

Julian Gaviria Tested Pattern #7: Social Counts In Test #222 On

In this variation, a number of social proof references were added to a signup modal.

Test #223 on by Alexander Krieger   Feb 01, 2019 Desktop Mobile Signup

Alexander Krieger Tested Pattern #12: Payment First In Test #223 On

This test deprioritized the free option (kostenlos) of cancelling a contract. It did so by placing it under the paid options as small text link / radio option.