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Test #299 on by Stanley Zuo   May 22, 2020 Desktop Mobile Listing

Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #60: Repeated Bottom Call To Action In Test #299 On

In this experiment, at the bottom of a search results screen, a membership join button was added along with 3 encouraging reasons. The experiment measured membership funnel starts, as well as paid membership transactions (sales).

Test #285 on by Lukas Jorissen   Feb 27, 2020 Desktop Product

Lukas Jorissen Tested Pattern #7: Social Counts In Test #285 On

In this experiment, realtime social proof information has been added below an add-to-cart button. The variation shows how many users that have viewed, or placed a product into their basket. Translated to "4 visitors have this product in their shopping cart."

Test #284 on by Julian Gaviria   Feb 19, 2020 Desktop Mobile Listing

Julian Gaviria Tested Pattern #78: Tags, Badges And Structured Information In Test #284 On

In this experiment, structured data tags were displayed on a listing page to help potential buyers make better decisions. The additional information about the listed companies included: annual revenue, employee count, and year of establishment.

Test #279 on by Lars Skjold Iversen   Jan 16, 2020 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Lars Skjold Iversen Tested Pattern #79: Product Highlights In Test #279 On

In this experiment, 3 additional course links with descriptions were added to the homepage. The idea was to increase course sales aside of the Saas subscription signups.

Test #276 on by Lars Skjold Iversen   Dec 31, 2019 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Lars Skjold Iversen Tested Pattern #111: Field Explanations In Test #276 On

In this experiment, the idea was to move away from copy that was focusing on the needs of the company ("we need your email") towards copy that hinted at a customer benefit ("create your trial").

Test #271 on by Georgi Z. Georgiev   Nov 24, 2019 Desktop Mobile Signup

Georgi Z. Georgiev Tested Pattern #4: Testimonials In Test #271 On

In this experiment, the test variant showed 2 testimonials on the user registration / free trial registration page at

Test #267 on by Stanley Zuo   Nov 05, 2019 Mobile Checkout

Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #99: Progress Bar In Test #267 On

A "Step X of 4" progress bar was tested against a fully visible one that was also clickable.

Test #266 on by Someone   Oct 25, 2019 Desktop Mobile Product

Someone Tested Pattern #4: Testimonials In Test #266

In this experiment, a product page showed customer reviews at the bottom of the page (B) instead of hiding them under a tab (A).

Test #263 on by Jakub Linowski   Oct 04, 2019 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #22: Empowering Headline In Test #263 On

In this experiment a different headline was tested. "Reach Higher Conversions Faster" vs. "Learn From What We Try And Test".

Test #262 on by Julian Gaviria   Oct 03, 2019 Desktop Mobile Listing

Julian Gaviria Tested Pattern #32: Condensed List In Test #262 On

In this experiment, the B version condensed the company listings. This was done by showing less of the description and introducing a "more" and "less" dynamic links that would expand and collapse the description.

Test #261 on by Online Dialogue   Sep 20, 2019 Desktop Checkout

Online Dialogue Tested Pattern #111: Field Explanations In Test #261 On

In this experiment on Valk Exclusief's web site, a reason was provided for why the e-mail address is being collected. Google translation of the added text is as follows: "If your e-mail address is not yet known to us, we will ask you to add some missing information. Then you immediately benefit from our benefits such as the ValkLoyal savings program."

Test #260 on by Online Dialogue   Sep 16, 2019 Desktop Home & Landing

Online Dialogue Tested Pattern #45: Benefit Bar In Test #260 On

In this experiment on Valk Exclusief's web site, a transparent overview of the benefits for booking hotels was shown. The copy translates to: "Why should you book here? - 5€ Loyalty Discount - Best Price Guarantee - Discount On Packages - No Reservation Costs. Valk is a 150 year hotel chain in the Netherlands.

Test #258 on by Julian Gaviria   Sep 12, 2019 Desktop Mobile Signup

Julian Gaviria Tested Pattern #110: Optional Field Labels In Test #258 On

In this variation an optional field label was added.

Test #249 on by Optimizely   Jul 17, 2019 Desktop Product

Optimizely Tested Pattern #20: Canned Response In Test #249 On

AutoScout24 is Europe’s largest online marketplace for new and used cars. As published by Optimizely, they tested a form pre-filled with text that read: ‘Hello. I am interested in your vehicle. Please contact me. Kind regards.’ 

Test #246 on by Julian Gaviria   Jun 12, 2019 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Julian Gaviria Tested Pattern #88: Action Button In Test #246 On

In this experiment, the navigation label was changed from "Network" to "Find Suppliers". The idea was to make use of an action label with a clearer benefit.

Test #232 on by Sjardo Janssen   Mar 15, 2019 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Sjardo Janssen Tested Pattern #6: Customer Star Ratings In Test #232 On

In this experiment, the Yoast team replaced one of the bulleted reassurances on their checkout page ("4.9 out of 5 stars" vs "24/7 Free support"). Raising the question - is free support or high reviews valued more? - Thanks Sjardo & Meike for sharing!