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Test #465 on by Melina Hess   Apr 22, 2023 Desktop Mobile Product

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #15: Bulleted Reassurances In Test #465

In this product detail page experiment, a number of reassurances were brought out visually in a lined or bulleted way. The 4 reassurances included: free shipping and returns; Made in Germany, 90 Day Returns; and Buy With Invoice (popular in Germany). Impact on revenue per user was measured. The control contained very feint copy (smaller and more subtle) about free shipping.

Test #464 on by Ardit Veliu   Mar 31, 2023 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Ardit Veliu Tested Pattern #7: Social Counts In Test #464 On

In this experiment, copy was added which showed the number of experts (in a given category) a person may gain access to after filling out a lead form. The context of this is a lead-gen landing page where people are seeking experts for legal purposes. Impact on initial progression (of a multi step form) and completed leads was measured.

Test #461 on by Melina Hess   Mar 23, 2023 Mobile Product

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #15: Bulleted Reassurances In Test #461 On

In this product detail page experiment, reassurances under the add-to-cart button were rearranged. The control contained copy about: free shipping and free returns formatted as two gray boxes, with a variety of payment methods and their corresponding logos underneath.

The variation used a more convention bulleted, line-by-line format. It also contained free shipping and returns, but also elaborated with "100 day returns", an "anti-hole guarantee", and "purchase with invoice" (perhaps more popular in Germany?). Impact on sales was measured.

Test #453 on by Jakub Linowski   Jan 31, 2023 Desktop Mobile Shopping Cart

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #64: Tunnel In Test #453

In this experiment, the footer was simplified with multiple elements being removed (catalog request, secondary links, and a guarantee). Additionally, a more prominent phone number was also displayed.

Test #452 on by Daria Kurchinskaia   Jan 30, 2023 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Daria Kurchinskaia Tested Pattern #62: Urgent Next Day Delivery In Test #452 On

In this experiment, a count down timer was added near the top of a checkout page. The timer was only shown before 1pm and clarified that the serivce (contract cancellation) will be initiated on the same day if users act before a cut off time. Impact on completed payments was measured.

Test #451 on by Marika Francisco   Jan 25, 2023 Desktop Product

Marika Francisco Tested Pattern #115: Pricing Comparison Table In Test #451 On

In this experiment, a product comparison table was added in the middle of a product detail page. The comparison table contained products from the same class or family of products. Clicking on the photo thumbnails also allowed customers to visit the specific detail page. Impact on adds to cart and transactions was measured.

Test #445 on by Sorcha Mullis   Dec 14, 2022 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Sorcha Mullis Tested Pattern #33: Example Situations In Test #445 On

In this experiment, five clickable feature elements were surfaced on the homepage. Clicking on any of these 5 elements launched an Instastory-like short 10 second video in full screen. These videos explained the key features of the software being offered. Impact on lead generation was measured.

Test #442 on by Daria Kurchinskaia   Nov 27, 2022 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Daria Kurchinskaia Tested Pattern #4: Testimonials In Test #442 On

In this experiment, three testimonials were appended at the bottom of landing pages of a contract cancelation service (paid). These testimonials were also shown throughout the complete signup funnel (4 more steps). Impact on progression (step 2) and final completed purchases were measured.

Test #443 on by Daria Kurchinskaia   Nov 27, 2022 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Daria Kurchinskaia Tested Pattern #4: Testimonials In Test #443 On

In this experiment, four TrustPilot reviews were appended at the bottom of landing pages of a contract cancelation service (paid). These reviews were also shown throughout the complete signup funnel (4 more steps). Impact on progression (step 2) and final completed purchases were measured.

Test #439 on by Daniel Shapiro   Oct 31, 2022 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Daniel Shapiro Tested Pattern #18: Single Or Alternative Buttons In Test #439 On

This was a larger leap experiment with numerous changes to the header part of a design program landing page. One of the key changes however was a shift from a single to multiple call to actions for lead generation. In the control, all potential leads would first funnel through a single syllabus download flow. In the variation, users were given three visible choices: download syllabus, webinar signup and/or book a live call with admissions. Impact on overall generated leads was measured, as well as paid enrollments.

Test #436 on by Daniel Shapiro   Oct 25, 2022 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Daniel Shapiro Tested Pattern #7: Social Counts In Test #436 On

In this experiment, social proof and scarcity messages were shown on a course enrollment landing page. When students were starting to sign up at the beginning of each month (with greater availability), a simpler "X students have already enrolled in the next cohort" message was used.

Later in the month when fewer spots were available, a more scarce message was used with the following copy "ONLY X SPOTS available in the next cohort".

In both cases, the numbers were accurate and dynamically updated.

Test #429 on by Melina Hess   Aug 16, 2022 Mobile Desktop Product

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #121: Free Shipping In Test #429 On

Upon clicking the Add-To-Cart button, the button label changed to a cheering message which congratulated the user on his choice and ensuring that shipping is free. Translation: "Good choice. Your shipping and returns are free."

Test #424 on by Sandis Viksna   Jul 28, 2022 Desktop Shopping Cart

Sandis Viksna Tested Pattern #45: Benefit Bar In Test #424

In this experiment, 3 reassurances were shown at the bottom of cart and checkout pages. The web site was selling health and nutrition products for males and one of the reassurances included "discreet shipping". Impact on sales was measured.

Test #423 on by Ardit Veliu   Jul 26, 2022 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Ardit Veliu Tested Pattern #110: Optional Field Labels In Test #423 On

In this experiment, an "optional" label was shown near a message form field. Impact on overall leads was measured (requesting experts).

Test #421 on by Marika Francisco   Jul 15, 2022 Desktop Mobile Product

Marika Francisco Tested Pattern #43: Long Titles In Test #421 On

Fluke is an industrial manufacterer of measurement and calibration devices and they ran a test on their Amazon store for a series of their prodcts. Instead of using short product names, they tested longer and more descriptive ones. Impact was measured on sales.

Test #417 on by Ognjen Bošković   Jun 27, 2022 Desktop Mobile Signup

Ognjen Bošković Tested Pattern #127: Vague Or Specific Benefits In Test #417 On

CXL ran an interesting experiment that (1) added more specificity on a newsletter subscription page as well as (2) reinforced it consistently. Most visibly, an abstract or vague headline statement (control) was changed to a benefit oriented one - hinting that subscribers will eventually receive valuable case studies. This message was further reinforced with supporting copy that explained where these case studies are obtained from along with the frequency of the delivery. This same message was also reinforced with an image of actual case studies. The call to action button was also adjusted to mimic the benefit.

Impact on newsletter signups was measured.

Test #416 on by Daniel Shapiro   Jun 20, 2022 Desktop Mobile Product

Daniel Shapiro Tested Pattern #105: Lead Magnets In Test #416 On

In this experiment, copy was added which communicated that students signing up for a course would receive extra design resources (the lead magnet). This was added in multiple states of the course page. Impact on lead generation and enrollment was measured.

Test #412 on by Frederik Fröhle   May 16, 2022 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Frederik Fröhle Tested Pattern #15: Bulleted Reassurances In Test #412 On

The Volders experimentation team assumed that adding information about how long it might take to get a cancellation confirmation near a CTA Button would result in higher cancellation requests (the paid service being offered).

The variation contained additional copy translated from German to: "Most of our users receive their cancellation confirmation from <vendor> within 14 days by email or letter."

Test #409 on by Ardit Veliu   Apr 30, 2022 Desktop Mobile Signup

Ardit Veliu Tested Pattern #20: Canned Response In Test #409 On

In this experiment, the copy of an input textarea on a lead form was used to summarize a user's choices. Instead of showing using a generic "Message" statement, the variation use the following formula: "I'm a [Lead Type] located in [State] looking for [Expert Type]. Looking forward to hearing from you today. Thank You." Impact of leads was measured.

Test #408 on by Jakub Linowski   Apr 29, 2022 Desktop Mobile Product

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #67: Currency & Taxes In Test #408

Here is a very simple experiment where CDN currency copy was appended to prices being shown on a Canadian ecommerce site. Additional copy ("from Canada") was appended to an existing shipping message.