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Test #55 on by Lisa Seaman   Aug 11, 2016 Desktop Home & Landing

Lisa Seaman Tested Pattern #14: Exposed Menu Options In Test #55 On

In this test, some of the menu options (accessible in the top right hamburger menu) were copied over onto the top navigation. The options that were exposed were "All Products", "Free Trial" and "Buy".

Test #54 on by Chris Goward   Aug 11, 2016 Desktop Mobile Product

Chris Goward Tested Pattern #7: Social Counts In Test #54

Client background (e.g. industry, business model):

This client is a healthcare company: their website is designed for lead generation. This company collects leads for their kidney-focused programs and ultimately provides kidney dialysis for those who decide to become patients.


Experiment background:

This experiment was focused on a right rail and the goal was to encourage more users to sign up to download the client’s free diabetes-friendly cookbook.

Test #18 on by James Foster   Jul 01, 2016 Mobile Home & Landing

James Foster Tested Pattern #2: Icon Labels In Test #18 On

This is a retest of Test017 with a lengthier testing duration.