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Test #255 on by Julian Gaviria   Aug 22, 2019 Desktop Mobile Signup

Julian Gaviria Tested Pattern #109: Required Field Labels In Test #255 On

In this experiment, field labels without and with a marked asterisk were tested.

Test #254 on by Alexander Krieger   Aug 16, 2019 Desktop Mobile Signup

Alexander Krieger Tested Pattern #17: Least Or Most Expensive First In Test #254 On

In this experiment, 4 things were adjusted in the variation: the highest pricing plan was shifted to the left, it was set as the default one, the recommendation was also adjusted to point to the highest plan, and one benefit from the lowest plan was removed (customer support).

Test #253 on by Alexander Krieger   Aug 08, 2019 Desktop Mobile Signup

Alexander Krieger Tested Pattern #17: Least Or Most Expensive First In Test #253 On

In this experiment, two pricing plans were inverted to show the most expensive plan first (in the variation).

Test #252 on by Julian Gaviria   Jul 30, 2019 Desktop Mobile Content

Julian Gaviria Tested Pattern #107: Contrast Links & Buttons In Test #252 On

In this experiment a light blue bold link was tested against a darker blue bold link. 

Test #251 on by Jakub Linowski   Jul 25, 2019 Desktop Mobile Content

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #57: Maybe Later In Test #251 On

In this experiment, we tested a standard modal (with 2 choices) against a "Maybe Later" one (with 3 choices). One of the choices in the variant allowed users to postpone their decision with a "maybe" which would enable a floating bar at the bottom of the screen. Clicking on any of the "Yes" options would send people to the bottom of the screen with an email signup form. Increasing signup was our primary measure. Both modals also appeared instantly after a page load.

Test #250 on by Alexander Krieger   Jul 25, 2019 Desktop Mobile Signup

Alexander Krieger Tested Pattern #106: Back Buttons In Test #250 On

In this experiment, a version without a back button was tested against a one where it was positioned in the upper left corner. This test occured on a second step of a contract cancellation service.

Test #247 on by Julian Gaviria   Jun 13, 2019 Desktop Mobile Content

Julian Gaviria Tested Pattern #41: Sticky Call To Action In Test #247 On

In this experiment, the same message (with a link) for signing up to a newsletter was shown in two distinct ways. The control (A) showed the signup message as inline one that preceded the content of the article at the very top. The variant showed the same signup message as a scroll-delayed sticky interaction at the bottom of the screen. The background color of the B variant was also inverted to match the style of the footer.

Test #246 on by Julian Gaviria   Jun 12, 2019 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Julian Gaviria Tested Pattern #88: Action Button In Test #246 On

In this experiment, the navigation label was changed from "Network" to "Find Suppliers". The idea was to make use of an action label with a clearer benefit.

Test #243 on by Jakub Linowski   Jun 05, 2019 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #77: Filled Or Ghost Buttons In Test #243 On

In this experiment, full red background buttons were changed to ghost buttons (red outline and transparent fill)

Test #241 on by Niels Hapke   May 24, 2019 Desktop Mobile Signup

Niels Hapke Tested Pattern #105: Lead Magnets In Test #241 On

In this experiment, a free study guide ebook was promoted on a registration page.

Test #235 on by Julian Gaviria   Apr 02, 2019 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Julian Gaviria Tested Pattern #102: Expanded Or Condensed Layout In Test #235 On

In this experiment, the layout was condensed from a taller to a shorter one.

Test #232 on by Sjardo Janssen   Mar 15, 2019 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Sjardo Janssen Tested Pattern #6: Customer Star Ratings In Test #232 On

In this experiment, the Yoast team replaced one of the bulleted reassurances on their checkout page ("4.9 out of 5 stars" vs "24/7 Free support"). Raising the question - is free support or high reviews valued more? - Thanks Sjardo & Meike for sharing!

Test #230 on by Jakub Linowski   Mar 09, 2019 Desktop Mobile Listing

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #56: Hover Button In Test #230 On

In this test we tested onhover buttons (variant) versus more traditional always exposed and visible ones.

Test #228 on by Jakub Linowski   Mar 05, 2019 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #99: Progress Bar In Test #228

The variation added a progress bar to one of the checkout steps for a ticket ordering site.

Test #223 on by Alexander Krieger   Feb 01, 2019 Desktop Mobile Signup

Alexander Krieger Tested Pattern #12: Payment First In Test #223 On

This test deprioritized the free option (kostenlos) of cancelling a contract. It did so by placing it under the paid options as small text link / radio option.

Test #218 on by Kimberly Cheung   Jan 14, 2019 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Kimberly Cheung Tested Pattern #94: Visible Search In Test #218 On

Hypothesis: Anonymous users can't use global search while on the home promo page. We believe that if we show a global search bar to anonymous users, it presents a higher converting funnel (guided search) and will increase our sign-up rates significantly.

Control (A): Logged out users don't see global search bar.

Variant (B): Logged out users see global search bar. After searching for a keyword, the signup funnel starts with a more personalized reason to continue the signup process.