All Latest 539 A/B Tests
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Test #362 on by Vinicius Barros Peixoto Jun 23, 2021 Desktop Mobile Product
Vinicius Barros Peixoto Tested Pattern #7: Social Counts In Test #362 On
In this experiment, the number of recent property views was displayed under the call to action. Impact on overall lead generation was measured. (Translated using Google from Brazilian Portuguese.)
Test #359 on by Samuel Hess Jun 11, 2021 Desktop Mobile Product
Samuel Hess Tested Pattern #43: Long Titles In Test #359 On
In this experiment, product titles were extended with descriptive copy. Instead of just showing the product name, "with organic cotton" was appended on product and category/listing pages. Impact to adds to cart and sales was measured.
Test #357 on by Brian Sierakowski Jun 02, 2021 Desktop Mobile Pricing
Brian Sierakowski Tested Pattern #113: More Or Fewer Plans In Test #357 On
In this experiment, a single focus signup was transformed into a pricing comparison table. Impact on signups was measured.
Test #356 on by Andrey Andreev May 29, 2021 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing
Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #135: Product Categories In Test #356 On
In this experiment, popular search terms were added at the bottom of a long e-commerce homepage. Hence, the variation showed additional search triggers that lead to results pages. (Translated from Russian using Google Translate)
Test #355 on by Jakub Linowski May 28, 2021 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing
Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #79: Product Highlights In Test #355
In this experiment, an extra product choice was added to the header of a homepage. Instead of only highlighting a set of four specific products, the option to build custom variety one, was added.
Test #354 on by Andrey Andreev May 25, 2021 Desktop Mobile Product
Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #69: Autodiscounting In Test #354 On
In this experiment, the discounted price was shown along with an active promotion. The control only showed that the relative -8% discount was present with the pre-discounted price.
Test #78 on by Andrey Andreev May 06, 2021 Desktop Mobile Listing
Andrey Andreev Tested Pattern #90: Out Of Stock Or In Stock Products In Test #78 On
In this experiment, products which were out of stock were removed from listing pages and replaced with in stock ones (not visible in the screenshot).
Test #351 on by Brian Sierakowski Apr 30, 2021 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing
Brian Sierakowski Tested Pattern #11: Gradual Reassurance In Test #351 On
In this experiment, static integration logos were replaced with selectable ones that reassured users to signup. After clicking an integration logo, a comparison chart would appear showing how Baremetrics improves upon a selected payment processor, along with a call to signup. Impact on signups was measured.
Test #349 on by Stanley Zuo Apr 27, 2021 Mobile Global
Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #49: Above The Fold Call To Action In Test #349 On
In this experiment, a simple "Join Now" button was added inside an expanded mobile navigation menu. Clicking the button would start a multiple step membership subscription process. Impact on subscription starts and final sales were tracked.
Test #347 on by Jakub Linowski Apr 07, 2021 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing
Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #26: Cart Reminder And Recently Viewed In Test #347
In this experiment, when customers viewed a product and returned to the homepage, they would then see the most recently viewed one - a delicate nudge. The experiment ran with full traffic and impact on sales was measured.
Test #346 on by Stanley Zuo Mar 30, 2021 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing
Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #117: Company Logos In Test #346
In this homepage experiment, company logos were added to the homepage. These were example clients or companies that Backstage works with and offers casting (job) listing from. Impact on the registration flow and membership checkouts was measured.
Test #343 on by Samuel Hess Mar 12, 2021 Desktop Mobile Product
Samuel Hess Tested Pattern #122: Zigzag Layout In Test #343 On
In this experiment, the content on a product page was reorganized into a zigzagging (alternating layout) along with reinforcing photos. Impact on adds-to-cart and total sales was measured.
Test #342 on by Stanley Zuo Feb 28, 2021 Desktop Mobile Listing
Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #25: Nagging Results In Test #342 On
In this experiment, a registration wall was added on a listing page of casting call profiles. The registration wall appeared after the first 9 listings or so and encouraged users to sign up. Impact on registrations was measured, along with an engagement metric of "posting a job".
Test #86 on by Rodrigo Maués Feb 28, 2021 Mobile Desktop Product
Rodrigo Maués Tested Pattern #3: Fewer Form Fields In Test #86 On
In this experiment, the telephone field was removed from a lead form on a property page. Impact on leads was measured.
Test #341 on by Alex James Feb 25, 2021 Desktop Mobile Signup
Alex James Tested Pattern #35: Floating Labels In Test #341
This experiment shows a comparison between floating-field labels vs top-aligned labels. In the control, the form labels first appeared inline and as users would begin typing, they floated to the top of the field. The variation had fixed field labels above the form fields at all times. Impact on signups was measured.
Test #338 on by Lars Skjold Iversen Jan 29, 2021 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing
Lars Skjold Iversen Tested Pattern #63: Trust Seals In Test #338 On
In this experiment, the variation added three G2 badges or awards. The intent was to measure the impact of this change on signups for Umbraco.
Test #336 on by Stanley Zuo Jan 28, 2021 Desktop Mobile Listing
Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #51: Shortcut Buttons In Test #336 On
In this experiment, a listing page was expanded to show two actions (apply and view details) instead of a single one (view details only). This variation enabled users with a shortcut action to apply for roles one step earlier (and start membership flows for new users).
Test #337 on by Stanley Zuo Jan 28, 2021 Desktop Mobile Listing
Stanley Zuo Tested Pattern #51: Shortcut Buttons In Test #337 On
In this experiment, a listing page was expanded to show two actions (apply and view details) instead of a single one (view details only). In the variant, the "view detail" links were replaced with "apply links" starting a job application (and membership flows) sooner.
Test #335 on by Jakub Linowski Jan 27, 2021 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing
Jakub Linowski Tested Pattern #32: Condensed List In Test #335
The variation here has more condensed product tiles being shown on a homepage. Two pieces of information were removed: product descriptions and past selections. Impact on product page visits and total sales was measured.
Test #334 on by Kyle Phillips Jan 25, 2021 Desktop Mobile Global
Kyle Phillips Tested Pattern #2: Icon Labels In Test #334 On
This experiment measured the impact of adding text labels to three icon-only nav items.