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Test #205 on by Ronny Kohavi   Oct 25, 2018 Desktop Home & Landing

Ronny Kohavi Tested Pattern #36: Fewer Or More Results In Test #205 On

In this experiment, the carousel items were increased from 12 to 16.

Test #206 on by Kimberly Cheung   Oct 25, 2018 Desktop Mobile Signup

Kimberly Cheung Tested Pattern #40: Blurred Product Background In Test #206 On

This test ran on the first step of a multiple signup funnel and only changed the background to a blurred image.

Test #204 on by Niels Hapke   Oct 11, 2018 Desktop Mobile Global

Niels Hapke Tested Pattern #85: Benefit Button In Test #204 On

In the variation, the "Help" section was reworded to "How to study".

Test #203 on by Andrei Zakhareuski   Oct 10, 2018 Desktop Global

Andrei Zakhareuski Tested Pattern #85: Benefit Button In Test #203 On

In the variation, the button label "Upgrade To Premium" was changed to one with a clearer benefit of "Pass The First Time".

Test #202 on by Niels Hapke   Oct 01, 2018 Desktop Mobile Checkout

Niels Hapke Tested Pattern #13: Centered Forms & Buttons In Test #202 On

In this experiment, the form layout was adjusted by shifting the side benefits further down below the form.

Test #199 on by Luke Hay   Sep 13, 2018 Desktop Mobile Home & Landing

Luke Hay Tested Pattern #77: Filled Or Ghost Buttons In Test #199 On

In this experiment, standard (filled) buttons were tested against ghost buttons.

Test #196 on by Vinicius Barros Peixoto   Aug 14, 2018 Mobile Listing

Vinicius Barros Peixoto Tested Pattern #80: Persistent Filters In Test #196 On

The experiment goal was automatically applying filters the users have already done in our result page, during their navigation to the site. The variation always applied the filters in the same session and asked users on new sessions.

Test #190 on by Peep Laja   Jul 26, 2018 Mobile Global

Peep Laja Tested Pattern #2: Icon Labels In Test #190 On

This test has explored numerous hamburger menu variations and has been covered in detail over at - Thanks Peep Laja for sharing. Here we reported on a consistent increase in both menu clicks and sales.

Test #187 on by Will Anderson   Jul 09, 2018 Desktop Mobile Product

Will Anderson Tested Pattern #71: Personalized Next Step In Test #187 On

In this experiment, a lead form (with a syllabus) would transform into the next application step of "enrolling" after being submitted. More so, this surfacing of the next enrollment step was personalized and shown for users that also returned to the web site in future visits.